Backstories part 5 (I)

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[POV of RHB]
The Memoirs Archive

[Winter, 499 years ago, Reel-to-Reel recorder]

There was a time in my youth, my ignorance, that I thought I could save my wife. Annabelle was my whole world, her black hair that smelled of pine and her blue eyes that made me feel loved. The first time we met was in Paris, we danced until our feet hurt and we had the most lovely dinner ever. My pain when I had to let go of her hand so that she could be buried was... unbearable. I thought I had found her, I put on my old eraser days. For those who didn't know... I used to take high paying clients and put them in another dimension where they weren't to be found, that stopped after I got that child in france. The kid's name was Nazaire Anjou Monlic... To bad they had to change such a wonderful name to Jack. Anyways, I decided I would go to the Titanic and save her, turns out she left captain for another man and he shot her. And when you say you're looking for woman someone had murdered... you aren't considered too friendly. Luckily PF, WG, and JW were looking for me on that day. The other three... I don't know who they are... yet.

[Spring, 250 years ago, Reel-to-Reel recorder]

It hurts, it all just... hurts. Like cancer to my heart, I know many of the people whom I attempted to distance myself from will... end up as I have. That statue is not one depicting my heroics, it is one depicting my last stand. There will be a day when these recordings are the only way the basic person could hear my voice... I am glad. A man asked to write my story, I told him he could borrow these memoirs... he wondered why some were far into the future of that time. I told him that time is a funny thing, it is also something that can be toyed with... I guess I should stop delaying the inevitable. My only question is: will the girls understand why I did what I did? Or will I just be an additional Comstock?

[POV of NM]

[50 years ago, Reel-to-reel recording]

I served, I killed, but most of all I became the meaning of the sword. Every Regulator is the same and yet different, it is what is under the trenchcoat that makes us different. I lived the life of every type of soldier, I was U.S. Marine at Verdun, A mercenary at the Boxer Rebellion, A Patriot a Yorktown, A Russian sniper in Stalingrad, A grunt at Hamburger hill, A brit in the Opium wars, A member of T.E. Lawrence's marauders in arabia, A French rebel in Paris when it was occupied by the Nazis, and finally... A soldier of RHB's Special forces. RHB elected me as commander and chief over all ID military Operations, I have seen the dark and light of the world, and I know how to turn the basic man into a war machine that will come home a decorated hero. RHB said I needed to form a division of the hardest soldiers I could find for a special task, I have the team set up... but I don't know when he'll need them.

[POV of PF]

[900 years ago, Operations training and general information Film]

Hello new comers, I am P.F. and I will teach you basic information. My duties are to under the wrench, I repair and fix big problems.
J.W. is the pen, he works with all information gathering.
W.G. is the Fire, he brings pain upon wrong doers and will work for hire.
N.M. is the Sword, he protects the good people of this Dimension.
N.W.M. is the Watch, he oversees all work.
B.W.K. is the record, he manages the music and entertainment industry.
E.B. is the Scroll, he holds everyone true to the laws of the land.
L.D. is the Medal, he gives the awards to those whom deserve it.
N.K. is the number one, he works on all currencies.
C.I. is the cloak, he works on all black operations. It is best to avoid him.
M.D. is the screen, he is our technology innovator
R.H.B. is the torch, his is our leader.
W.T.M. is the bottle, he helps the financially unstable.
Best of luck, and enjoy your new life at Rocksville and it's sister cities, God Bless.

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