Backstories 25

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Neutral Dimension...
Comstock-DeWitt Manor
February 28th
07:23 AM

[POV of Elizabeth #1]

I decided that I would roam the Manor, it seemed to have been ages since I've had time to do so. The Library had been restocked recently, I had lost my interest in heavy reading after Rapture, though I did find a book of significant interest atleast bi-weekly. I learned of great wars and the death that they caused, how the introduction of automobiles and airplanes changed how the average person lived, how the inventions such as the Microwave and the television made the average household innovative... such books of simplified yet real history made me understand more. When I found myself in Rapture I had to learn quickly, the world had become progressively sexualized and greedy, women had to use flirtation as a tool while the men lead the empires... they all, at somepoint, ended like Rapture to a certain degree. RHB had allowed me and the rest of the Elizabeth's a life free of exposure... yet, he made it possible to learn the ways of the world through the knowledge we could gain here. The interiors of the building were based off of one of his favorite Stephen King movies with touches of Art Deco lighting/windows and Victorian style wood work which made the place look like a relic out of time. The massive court yard was filled with statues of some of the world's greatest leaders... George Washington, Alexander The Great, King Tutankhamun, Moses, Theodore Roosevelt,  Sacajawea, etc... and flowers which always made the place emit a perfume of frequents. The windows on the back of the manor offered a view of the reconstructed Paris, as our cook would have a perfect meal of the day... everyday. Life was rather boring here some days, it was a good thing this place was rather expensive and could leave you lost. RHB also let us pick clothes from a cloathing catalog, the delivery would be made the following day. We could even test our tear skills on the roof, granted we use one of R's Tiadidamoma machines so that we could get back... he also put trackers in them and would come for them in two days time if they hadn't returned, typically with an Elixir in his pocket.

12:15 PM

After waltzing about for a while and having Boeuf Bourguignon, I decided that I would set in the courtyard to take a breather. Once in the courtyard I saw Two other Elizabeths standing at the top of the stairs. They seemed to be talking to someone, they looked at eachother with a smile... that didn't last. They were pushed out of the way by a Man in a trenchcoat and fadora with black scarf. He went over the gaurd rail and seemed to have injured his leg as he proceeded to run, the rest of the Elizabeth(s) ran after him... though I knew pursuing him would be useless, he was far too fast and was filled with a military like determination. I went into RHB's office to see the folders on RHB's desk, they seemed to be about massive construction project after and oncoming attack. I put all of the appropriate papers into their folders and went to put them back in the cabinet. I looked through the other projects, such as D-DAY II, Pegasus, Jacques downfall, Wong Liberation, Post-Bahltalla, Nova-6, Raputurian Candidate, Angel Wings, and Project Rebirth. I wanted to read them all, the last two seeming most important. I placed the town schematics into the cabinet and pulled out "Angel Wings". It read like a novel, a story of the end... but it didn't give enough relevant information, half of the documents were redacted... as if RHB knew this folder was going to be read. I put "Angel Wings" back and pulled out "Project Rebirth"... the folder was empty... it had and inscription on it though:

"Die, qua fit ut ... (Latin: to the day that comes)
Вы знаете, что должно произойти... (Russian: You know what must come...) Eine innere Flamme muss gelöscht werden... (German: an eternal flame must be extinguished...) pour plus à venir... (French: for more to come...)
I'm soo sorry Elizabeth...

My soul felt empty, I knew of the prophecy... but how far was RHB willing to go with something else's set fate.

RHB: I see you found my folders...
Me (Elizabeth): I'm sorry...
RHB: You can't expect me to be mad, I only told you NOT to do that... I'm not mad at you... I'm disappointed.

I felt pain in my heart as tears came to my eyes...

Me (Elizabeth): I'm sorry...
RHB: Don't be... ever... it is a sign of weakness... never apologize! Just remember.
Me (Elizabeth): What can I do?
RHB: Nothing, we are at war... I will discuss this situation with you later. I trust you can put that back where you found it, I have to go.

He walked away, his sadness in what I had done was apparent. I felt guilty... dirty... like all the wrong things I had done had been a build up to this, they seemed insignificant. What did I get for my snooping, nothing but tears. I put the folder back, layed on RHB's Bed and cried... I feel like I let him down. Maybe I could make it up to him later.

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