48 Behind the scenes (I)

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Neutral Dimension
The Slums
Erma's backdoor bar
0000 AM

[POV of Jason]

Man in glasses: sssvvooo, at laasst vee meet.
Me (Jason): Do I know you?
Man in Glasses: by many names we have met, but never face to face.
Me (Jason): stop speaking in riddle... and what happened to the accent?
Man in glasses: always speaking fast and not taking in the scenery.

*taps his cane on the ground*

I looked around, everyone was gone and half the lights were out or blinking, the room got cold and chilly. I felt the hairs on my neck stand up... but I wasn't scared.

Man in glasses: You wanted to know more about this place?
Me (Jason): what's the price of knowledge?
Man in glasses: answer a question with a question. Interesting, that you would do that. But your answer is your soul.
Me (Jason): That is not for sale....
Man in glasses: if it was, I would have already had it. I have many contracts, men whom sold their soul for the inanimate and the personal.
Me (Jason): Sounds demonic...
Man in glasses: ohh, it is... most expect horns and hooves or atleast a pentagram.
Me (Jason): They were right, Lucifer does have taste.
Man in glasses: thank you, but I wanted to help RHB lead you through the path of knowledge.
Me (Jason): odd that we meet here... so why can I see you and not be in hell.
Lucifer: *sigh* simplistically, a mortal can comprehend only 4 Dimensions, I'm what happens in the fifth and sixth. The Neutral Dimension happens to have no alternatives or rules, being as there is only one Neutral Dimension and not an Infinite number of them. So here, I can can be seen and heard like the mortal man.
Me (Jason): so all-in-all, you can be seen here because there are no alternatives to this place.
Lucifer: correct.
Me (Jason): interesting, so I'm guessing what you have me in now is the fifth Dimension?
Lucifer: correct, a place between all the Dimensions. The Lutece twins have a much more riddled way of the same discription, nary any discrepancies.
Me (Jason): and I come into the equation... how?
Lucifer: you... you are interesting... a rarity of the Dimensions, there are soo few that bare your name and appeal. Your kind have knowledge supreme, yet are so dull at times.
Me (Jason): And....
Lucifer: well, you can travel in the fifth Dimension and be anywhere you want and when. The first thing you need to do is get to Mad Jack's show. You need to find a hiding spot backstage and eavesdrop on the conversation. You will find the coversation... useful.
Me (Jason): thanks... will do...
Lucifer: careful though... the fifth Dimension can only be used once per month or it could severe you limbs and put them in other Dimensions... wouldn't want to take you to hell in a doggie bag now would we?
Me (Jason): Yeah... whatever.

I then left the building and drove my car through the abandoned streets. Everything was gray and cold, yet everything was unlocked and lootable. The fifth Dimension opened up a whole new way of getting things. I then made it to Mad Jack's studio in Bardshire, once inside I hid in the closet and got my head up against the vent so I could hear. I then set the 0800 AM. I then heard someone walk in, now I listen.

[POV of Mad Jack]

I was walking back to my dressing room and saw that my door was open. I unfastened the strap on my holster and walked towards the door, I hadn't seen any combat since I had been wounded. I entered the door, It was RHB and a woman with a film Noir look. The woman had black hair and deep blue, innocent, eyes.

Me (Mad Jack): what's up...
RHB: nothin', just seeing how you were liking the show.
Me (Mad Jack): I love it, Next week I was going to look into the Dimensional theory.
RHB: please...
Woman: You do not want to do that, Mr. Redmun.
Me (Mad Jack): Why?
RHB: It is a rabbit hole that one should not go down, it...
Woman: causes too much pain...
Me (Mad Jack): I still want to know something about it.
RHB: Take the watch off, the warping one...
Woman: Mr. Redmun... Are you SURE this is what you want?
Me (Mad Jack): Yeah...
RHB: we all make choices, but in the end all of our choices make us.

I then took off the warping watch, and put it in my pocket.

RHB: Elizabeth, turn your head... I don't know if you want to see this.
Woman (Elizabeth): Choices RHB... Choices.

My head began to hurt, and my vision became blurry as my balance was off. Visions came into my head of things I never saw or knew, my nose began to bleed as I fell to my knees. The visions of the German soldier I had killed came into my memory, his entire life story now a part of me, I could see myself killing him. RHB sat me in the chair and put my watch back on, the woman wiped the blood off of my face.

Me (Mad Jack): how did I just see those memories, one that I didn't live.
Woman (Elizabeth): You did live those lives, you were those people, you did die.
RHB: The nose bleeding represents what was, will, or will be.

A man and woman then appeared in the room in a ghost like way.

Ghostly woman: Lived, lives, will live.
Ghostly man: Dies, died, will die.

They then disappeared with the blink of a light.

Woman (Elizabeth): those other versions of you had their Constants and variables to your own life.
RHB: Are you sure you want to study this further?
Me (Mad Jack): Hell no...
Woman (Elizabeth): Just what I wanted hear.
RHB: Come with us, we'll pick up your wife and have a fine steak dinner!
Me (Mad Jack): that sounds great, lets go...

[POV of Jason]

Wow, so there are other sides of the coin.

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