Backstories 21 (I)

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Warning this chapter has a small 🍋... one that I didn't want to write.

Neutral Dimension Date:
February 21st
Triosonic Date:
June 1st
Ellis De Stella Date:
August 11th
10:00 AM
Medical district
(Lots of Time and date calculating needed... this whas hard to do... but you're welcome)

[POV of Ricky]

I had been working since five and was ready for my third coffee break, I loved my job... but it was kinda boring at times. Since that machine went missing, and seeing my lying ass brother, Ellis has just been gloomy. I turned on the radio and set in my swivel chair.

[Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash plays on radio]

[4 hours later]

I got up, grabbed my stuff, and left. I didn't really work by the clock, I worked by completion. I got into my Toyota AE86, the new rear glass didn't fit quite right... there was a slight whistling sound. I was going down the streets and looking at all the miscreant Rednecks and Greasers... that and their jalopy rides. I then looked down the street and seen some odd looking cars parked infront of my house. I parked a little ways from them and got out. I thought I could sneak by them, but I was wrong. A man in a "Duran Duran" jacket and bell bottoms stopped me.

Weird 80's guy: we request your services.
Me (Ricky): and if I refuse to give them?
Weird 80's guy: I think you will find it rather out of the question.

The man pulled his jacket open and exposed some highly polished pistol.

Armed 80's guy: whaddya say?
Me (Ricky): I guess I'll go.

I got into the Black 1980 Lincoln Continental, it had black aluminum wheels, pitch black tinted windows, and all sorts of shinny black contraptions adorning it. The man then started the car, the car accelerated down the street at lighning speeds, a gray mist surrounded the vehicle. The mist cleared to reveal us in open sky, I grabbed the seat belt and put it on. The car spiraled through the air before leveling, then accelerating. The man chrushed down the clutch and shifted like it was the Indianapolis 500 and he was in 2nd. We flew through the sky, past an unexplainable city with an 80's appeal to it. The car then swerved to a stop and landed... it was infront of some high rise. I then emerged from the car and almost fell from my dizziness. We walked through the retro-futuristic lobby, which looked like something out of Total Recall. We then ascended in the elevator towards the Penthouse suite, we then exited the elevator. The Penthouse had every 1980s movie prop you could imagine, and inbetween them were computer screen tables, folding shelf fridges, stacks of money and drugs, a wall of futuristic weapons, a massive open closet, a large round bed in the middle of the floor with two hookers in lingerie, an oversized desk with amps and guitars surrounding it, and A man sitting in a chair behind the desk... the sun illuminated him. I walked up to the desk, the man with a (80s) Kurt Russell haircut looked up at me.

Unknown man: have a seat...
Me (Ricky): what is it you wanted with me.
Unknown man: win a war...
Me (Ricky): if it's some war you want me in... I'm out.
Unknown man: look, I know you don't care for war... but you are the only one who can win it for us.
Me (Ricky): what's in it for me?
Unknown man: A penthouse like this one, any sexual partners you want, more money than you know what to do with, any car you want, to live in this city... and the clencher, to hurt your brother.
Me (Ricky): what do you know about my brother?
Unknown man: let me explain.

[Long explanation that I didn't care about]

Me (Ricky): alright... I'll do what you need me to do.
Unknown man: good, you can call me Radian.

550 years Ago (Neutral time)
Dimension: TRA 0036895284.85
Sky gardens, Taiwan.
October 23rd, 0900 AM

[POV of Willard]

I grabbed a glass of champagne off the table, I got the most expensive one there was... it was still shitty. The two men I had called on came into my large open aired room. My room here had plants and shit all around and was overflowing with that antique Chinese stuff. Ah, but you care about those other oafs. The Russian... Greek... Viking guy was wearing a thick (gel cooled liner) Bear skin coat which was open and exposed his massive six pack, he had a Vlad the impaler looking hat on and those curl toed boots to match. The other guy was wearing a very slick looking suit. The had a seat without really asking, I leaned on my desk.

Me (Willard): alright men, you know why I'm here.
Bahltalla: You vant to to about ze techknology you haave brought us.
Wong: echh, if theese is about tech... I have got all  I will ever need.
Me (Willard): can you keep youselves fro dying?
Wong: No...
Bahlthalla: I am a God...
Me (Willard): do you have weapons that could conquer any world?
Bahlthalla: zat I do not haave.
Me (Willard): then it is settled, Mr. Wong will have the recipe for the Elixir of life, and Mr. Bahltalla will have weapons of the future.
Wong: Done
Bahlthalla: but zer is more...
Me (Willard): only trade is that I may have to stay with one of you until the heat dies down.
Bahlthalla: zen it is done.

They got up to leave after the successful discussion. I then walked up Bahlthalla, Wong left quickly.

Me (Willard): do you have any plans later tonight?
Bahlthalla: vat are you talking abouts?
Me (Willard): I have a bed all to myself...
Bahlthalla: ehh, No... I am... a man vith many vives, no husbans hovever... Zachart is a man vith different tastes... you can have him.

<Gay 🍋 - not my cup of tea... I didn't really want to write this, but the story called for it.>

The big burly man by the door came over to me with a big grin, I bit my lip and downed the rest of my glass... the man grabbed my neck with his left hand and ripped my pants off with his right. The man then slammed me against the desk and started sla....

<end of gay 🍋>

CI: Gah fuck, echhh... I think I'm gonna hurl.
RHB: Well that confirms two things... not only is Willard a traitor... he is also queer.
CI: you gotta...
RHB: stop him, I'm not prejudiced... now to think of it... I should of saw that coming.
CI: how?
RHB: The guy drives a pink Bentley... It's as obvious as Elton John's suprise closet opening.
CI: that's a good one...
RHB: I have my moments... get the troops ready, after I deal with Willard... we take out Wong.
CI: what about the other guy?
RHB: let NM make a military parade of it.

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