35 Nightmare

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Neutral Demension
0900 AM

[POV of RHB]

I then got a cup of coffee and walked towards the double doors, the others followed. I opened the door and pushed it open, inside was mental processing machine. There were also some other large inventions along with some used couches, a fire place, and a desk.

Me (RHB): Ok boys, this is the Mental Strategy processing Machine or the M.S.P.M.. It will look into your darkest fears, when this is happening you will not have the function, or memory, that this is a enduced Nightmare. This means you will not have the ability to wake yourself up, or tell yourself that it isn't really happening. You cannot physically get hurt from these nightmares, and I will stop it when I detect convulsions.
Skull: Should we do this?
Me (RHB): Well, it is a test. How else are you going to know if you can handle 'anything'. Why don't you go first.
Skull: Will I die?
Me (RHB): If you do, you will wake up. The brain cannot handle what happens after death.
Skull: Will it hurt?
Me (RHB): That is for you to find out.

I then helped the kid into the dentist's chair, then I leaned the chair back and pushed his legs up. I tied down his hands and legs and put the module around his head. I then looked at the work I had done, it seemed right.

Skull: so how do I go to sleep?
Me (RHB): There are two ways, and yes you do have to fall asleep before I turn on the machine.
Skull: what are the two ways.
Me (RHB): The easy way *holds up bottle of chloroform*, and the hard way *swings pocket watch*.
Skull: why is chloroform easier?
Me (RHB): Faster and has less after symptoms.
Skull: then chloroform it is!
Me (RHB): Atleast you chose it.

I then put the rag over his face, at first he seemed ok with it, then he struggled, then he fell asleep. I then went to the machine and turned it on. [Whhheeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr-shhhhh-shhhhh-nnnnnhhhhuuuuuurrrrrrr]
He then immediately started struggling, he moved his arms harshly and tried to kick his legs. His back started slamming against the chair, and his head turned to the left in right as if he was fighting something. His eyes then opened wide and he started gasping for air. He looked around the room in a craze.

Me (RHB): Wasn't to terrible.
Skull: I had a million spiders crawling on me, as soon as I killed one... ten more took its place!
Me (RHB): Aracnaphobic, odd for a man who gets his kicks from human torture.

I then released his bounds and watched him leap from the chair.

Me (RHB): Buddy, you're next.
Buddy: ahh, shit.... uhhh.... ok....

The wirey kid then walked towards me, he was wearing a green tshirt and WW1 military Tunic. He sat in the chair with a scared look on his face. He chose hypnosis, I then waved the watch infront of his face for 5 minutes and he fell asleep.

[POV of Buddy's Nightmare]

The roaring engine awoke me, I looked over the side of the planes cockpit and saw I was 500 feet in the air. I then grabbed the steering lever tightly, there was a lewis gun mounted ontop of the hood of the engine. I saw I was going 90mph, I was in a Sopwith Cammel. I noticed I was the only allied Ace in the air. I looked forward to reveal a cloud of red headed towards me. I took one hand off the steering lever and grabbed the Lewis gun, I opened fire on the cloud of Red Fokker Dr.1 planes. I shot down about a dozen, then I saw a pilot. The pilots had the heads of wolves which snarled, the sides of their heads were covered with pilot's helmets. When they got close I would light a molotov and throw it at the plane and light it on fire. I then was alone again, then a single Fokker Dr.1 headed towards me, I was ready on the gun. The enemy plane had war scars, it opened fire on me. The bullets pierced the engine, smoke and oil spewed from the engine and made it hard for me to see. The engine started to stall, I turned the plane upside down and jumped out. I then grabbed the cord of my parachute and stopped plummeting, the plane was still after me. I pulled my 1911, then round by round shot at the plane. On the last round the plane was 50 feet from me, I took aim, then squeezed the trigger and saw the bullet fly into his head, his plane then crashed onto the ground. A bright flash of light then appeared.

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