1. Welcome Home

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Music blasted through the room as Jin ripped open a bag of chips and poured the contents into a large bowl

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Music blasted through the room as Jin ripped open a bag of chips and poured the contents into a large bowl. Yoongi walked into the room with a party hat strapped to his head and stopped at the table, setting down an armful of beers. Jungkook and Taehyung stared at the television across the room as they shouted and screamed over the music, fighting off a swarm of zombies in their game.

Yoongi forcefully placed a party hat on Jin's head and smirked at the older boy's displeased expression. "Much better."

Ripping the hat off his head, Jin smashed the paper material against the green haired boy's chest. "This is not a birthday party and we're not ten." He scolded, opening another bag of chips.

Attempting to fix the squished hat, Yoongi frowned and carefully set it on the table. "Doesn't mean we can't look stylish while we get shitfaced." He murmured with defeat, removing his own hat and setting it down.

Jin shook his head with disappointment and chuckled. "We need to work on your idea of style kid." He smiled as he turned to the two younger boys on the couch. "Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung, video games off now."

The youngest boy rolled his eyes, ignoring the demand and continuing to play. "You're not my mom." He shouted back before cheering victoriously after a kill.

Jin raised his eyebrows in shock, crossing his arms over his chest. "No, but I am your brother who pays for everything you have. Show me some respect." He shouted back. "Thank you Tae." He said before turning and heading into the kitchen.

The young brunette looked from the flat screen to Tae beside him, his mouth dropping open in disbelief at the sight of his friend following his brother's command. "Don't listen to him! We're going to lose this round!" He shouted, his eyes darting to Tae's controller that now sat on the coffee table.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders as he sunk further into the couch. "I respect my elders. Plus, Jin-Hyung pays the bills here, not you." He leaned back on the couch and looked towards the entryway as the doorbell sounded through the already loud room. "Looks like more people are here." He lifted his soda to his lips and took a drink, looking back at the paused game.

Yoongi sipped his beer before jogging to the front door and opening it, revealing Namjoon in the doorway, his faded pink hair brushed back and out of his face. "Holy shit man. What happened to perm-Joon?" He mocked, reaching out and plucking a stray piece of hair from the younger boy's head. "Is that pink?"

The younger boy knocked his hand away and smiled. "It was pink. It's a little faded now." He extended his arms and wrapped them around his friend, ignoring the older boy's protest to the display of affection. "Looks like you finally ditched that old smelly beanie you used to wear." He responded, tousling Yoongi's mint locks and laughing. "Trying to be a smurf now?"

"Hey, Smurfette is pretty hot." Yoongi replied, biting his bottom lip as he pretended to slowly thrust the air.

Covering his smile and turning away, Namjoon instantly redirected the conversation. "You remember my little cousin Jimin, right?" He asked, motioning to the blonde boy behind him who leaned his back against the wall, his hands stuffed into his blue leather jacket.

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