46. New Relationship

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I actually cried editing this.

(Same Morning)

"Is she asleep?"

Jin looked up at the question to the green haired boy lounging on the couch as he shut the door to the bedroom behind him. "Yeah, but not for long." He sighed, crossing the apartment to the living room and collapsing onto the couch beside his friend.

After leaving the hospital, they decided it was best to take her back to Yoongi's apartment to give her enough space to heal after everything she had been through. She had also become very clingy to both boys whenever she was awake, wanting to be held through the waves of emotions, so it was a safe decision to keep her in a more relaxing place for the time being. She hadn't slept much since they returned, waking up in tears every hour or so, and the only way to get her back to sleep was by snuggling with her.

When she had really bad moments, Yoongi would hum to calm her mind while stroking her hair, tucking it repeatedly behind her ear to sooth her back to sleep. Both boys took turns consoling her, neither getting a lick of sleep for themselves. But they really didn't care as long as she was taken care of.

"You should nap with her." Yoongi suggested, curling up further into the corner of the couch cushions. "You've been awake all night." As if on command, his mouth gaped open as a deep yawn pulled itself from the depths of his chest.

Jin rubbed at his eyes, yawning as a wave of exhaustion rolled through him as well. "So have you. But, I think I'm going to head to her apartment and grab some things to keep her comfortable here for a few days." He looked to Yoongi, tapping the younger's leg, waking the dozing off boy. "You good to take over for a while?"

Sitting up and stretching, Yoongi nodded, licking his lips as he fought against the sleep begging his eyes for attention. Instead of succumbing to the intoxicating invite, he yawned again and rested his elbows on his knees. "What are my boundaries?" He asked suddenly, biting down on his lip as he stared at the floor. It was an awkward question to ask but he needed to know the answer before he did something he shouldn't and messed up their already awkward situation.

"Boundaries?" Jin questioned, squinting his eyes.

Yoongi nodded, bouncing his fingers together nervously. "I want to be there for her but I don't want to cross any lines you have." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I wont do anything inappropriate but--"

"I trust you Yoongi." Jin replied, cutting off his sentence. "I know you still love her, so it's normal to want to be there for her. I won't stop you. Even though she is my girlfriend now, I know you'll respect her and our relationship." He stood from the couch, adjusting the hem of his shirt. "You lost your child today too. Whatever you need to do to heal, do it. I trust you."

Before the younger could respond, Jin grabbed his jacket off the back of the couch and headed out of the apartment.

Yoongi stayed frozen on the couch, thinking about Jin's words. He would never do anything to disrupt their relationship but couldn't fight the urge to go into that room and snuggle up beside the love of his life. Would it be wrong of him to do so? It seemed perfectly fine when Jin was here, but now that he had left and they were alone, was it still okay to do?

Taking a deep breath, he stood to his feet and cautiously stepped through the apartment until he came face to face with the bedroom door he had once shared with Seo. He knew their relationship would never be the same, and that was okay. She was still a part of his life and that was all he could ever hope for after everything they had been through together.

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