21. The F Word...

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(Later that night)

Jungkook rested his head in the palm of his hand, his zoned out eyes focusing on the stack of homework he had been trying to tackle for the last two hours.

He had fallen slightly behind, with all the partying he had recently been occupied with, and now found himself playing catch up.

School was never something Jungkook enjoyed. Quite frankly, he hated it. But after his mother had chosen her new boyfriend over him and Jin when he was only 16, he felt the need to follow in his brothers footsteps. So, when Jin mentioned Jungkook attending college after he had barely graduated high school, the younger didn't argue.

He would do anything to thank his brother for taking care of and raising him. Even if that meant torturing himself with words and numbers on a daily basis. It was worth it to hear how proud Jin was of him.

Groaning, he raven haired boy stretched his arms over his head, his body tense from exhaustion. Picking up his phone, he sent a quick text to Jimin, voicing his annoyance with having to write an essay instead of helping him and Hobi. He would do anything to be close to the blonde right now. Even if it meant physical labor.

A pounding knock at the front door pulled his attention away from the three dots on the screen, showing Jimin was replying back. He quickly set down his phone and moved to the front door, peering through the peep hole to see a frustrated teal haired boy.

"What's wrong Hyung?" Jungkook asked as he opened the door.

The smaller man pushed passed the younger boy, storming his way into the apartment. "Where the fuck is he?" Yoongi asked, jogging through to the kitchen before re-entering the living room.

"Who? Jungkook asked, closing the door and shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Your bitch of a brother." Yoongi growled, trying to pass around Jungkook to get to the stairs.

Jungkook furrowed his brow and shoved against the smaller man's shoulders to stop him from going up the stairs. "What's your problem Hyung?" The younger boy questioned, anger rising in his chest at the others harsh words towards his brother.

"Look Kook," Yoongi's nostrils flared, as he took a wavered step back. "My feud is with Jin, not you."

Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to move out of the way. "Well he's not here! If you think I'm going to let you approach him like this, you've got another thing coming." He could feel his teen self emerging from within, the urge to fight him off growing stronger. He had promised Jin he would never use violence to solve his issues again, yet he was finding it hard to keep his word.

Yoongi bit down, his jaw flexing with anger. "Where is he Kook?" Yoongi shouted back, picking up a cup from the closest surface and throwing it towards the stairs, the contents soaking into the carpet.

"Calm down and tell me what's going on." Jungkook demanded, eyes widening with concern.

Furious with the lack of answers he was receiving, Yoongi spun around to the dresser along the shelf, eyeing the items that lined the surface before forcefully sliding them off the counter.

Jungkook reached forward, forcefully spinning the older man around to try and reason with him. "What the fuck Yoongi?"

Yoongi staggered back, his eyes heavy as he scanned over the younger boy.

"Are you drunk?" Jungkook asked, seeing the dizziness swirl in the older man's gaze.

Yoongi rolled his shoulders back, laughing at the question. Of course he was drunk. How else was he supposed to get through the pain?

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