29. Angel

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(Two Weeks Later)

Jimin's fingers raked through his hair as he yawned, stepping through the lobby of the apartment building after a long few days of work. Although he absolutely loved his job, days like today made him question why he chose to be a personal trainer.

Of course he loved helping others reach their physical and mental goals, thankful for the payoffs with his own physic. The smiles of achievement stretching across his clients faces were priceless, a sight he would never tire of. He had succeeded in making a name for himself but not in the exact way he had hoped.

Most of his clients loved his upbeat and fun personality, admiring his ability to turn every hard situation they faced into an exciting new adventure. Others saw him as a piece of meat to fawn over and for the last few years, he entertained their thoughts and advances. He wasn't embarrassed to admit he had given into a few temptations, the men he slept with not obviously needing his expert advice with weights and diets. Instead, he loved it.

After Hoseok had turned him down, he basked in the fact men would pay to be with him. That they would go to great lengths to have him beneath them; offering extra money and even buying him gifts. He felt powerful, in control of who he chose to be with. 

That confidence soon rolled into his own personal life, giving him the courage to approach any man, knowing he would have them in between his sheets by the end of the night no matter their sexuality and not caring. Once he had his fill of them, quite literally, he would move onto the next conquest.

But all of that came to a halt the moment he met Jungkook. Sure, at first sight Jimin was excited to find his next toy. But the moment he looked into those doe eyes and saw just how perfect the younger was, he no longer wanted the thrill of the chase. He found himself obsessed with the boy in a new way than he had ever experienced. His laugh, smile, and voice made Jimin swim with excitement and pure happiness, wanting to only hold him and admire the beauty that was Jeon Jungkook.

And for the first time since Hoseok, he felt the uneasy flutter in his stomach at the simple touch of their hands.

Jimin pulled out his phone and frowned seeing the younger's name displayed on his lock screen along with the unanswered text messages. It had been three days since they had seen each other in person, Jimin either being in the middle of a session or exhausted and Jungkook trying to juggle school. A smile tugged at his lips as he read over their string of messages, loving the flirty and sexual jokes mixed with the serious and caring paragraphs.

Not wanting to waste another minute missing him, Jimin hit the call button and leaned against the elevator wall as he listened to the dial tone.

"Jimin-Shi!" Jungkook's voice chimed through the speaker almost immediately. "About damn time you called me."

Jimin bit his lip and smiled down at the ground. "I know Kookie, I'm sorry. Work's just been draining me lately. I miss you though."

"Enough to see me today?"

Jimin chuckled at the excitement in the younger's voice. "I'm just getting home now and about to jump in the shower. If you're not here by the time my hair dries I'm going to seriously reevaluate my attraction towards you."

Jungkook gasped. "I'll be there before you even start the shower. Save me some hot water."

Jimin laughed even harder as the elevator doors opened and he stepped into the hallway. "As much as I'd love to share my shower with you, we both know you're all talk and no action." He giggled. "Not that I mind." He pulled his keys from his pocket, listening to the others laughter in his ear.

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