39. How Romantic

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(Same day)

Jungkook gripped onto the handle of a large pushcart he had found in the tree's, running at full speed with Yoongi sitting on the bed of the cart. Both boys shouted with excitement as they flew pass the others watching, Jin filming the ridiculous behavior.

They had spent the last hour goofing off, distracting Tae from the inevitable due to come later that day. From dancing like complete idiots, to arm wrestling and even sword fighting in the woods, they did everything imaginable to make the day the absolute best for their friend.

Taehyung had completely forgotten his worries, too wrapped up in trying to beat Yoongi at a singing contest, both boys claiming they could hit the highest note. As infuriating as it was that Yoongi refused to admit defeat, claiming his high note was so high no one could hear it, Tae couldn't help but laugh along and give the older boy credit for his creativity.

Not only did he need this moment with his friends but he could sense the others needed it just as much. So much had happened within the short few weeks Namjoon had been back that it was nice to let loose and forget everything. To disappear into their teenage selves for a few hours, act like idiots and forget everything awaiting them back in the real world.

"How much do you want to bet Jungkook runs him into a wall?" Namjoon asked, looking to his cousin beside him as they both watched the youngest boy turn the cart around and sprint towards them again.

Smiling, Jimin shook his head, propping his chin on his palm in admiration of the younger boy's excitement. "Nah. If anything, he'll lose control and grandpa will go flying." Both boys snickered watching as Jungkook neared them once again.

Reaching out, Namjoon high-fived Yoongi as they passed by. "That kid sure has a lot of stamina." He commented, smirking to his cousin beside him. "When do you plan on testing it out?"

Jimin reached over, slapping the pink haired boy's arm. "Don't be disrespectful." He teased, trying to fight back the growing smile on his face. "But hopefully soon. What about you? How's it going with that girl you went on a date with?"

Pursing his lips, Namjoon looked down to the ground. "Nah. I fucked that whole situation up."

"Don't tell me you slept with her sister." Jimin joked, looking back to the two boys, seeing Jungkook begin to slow down from exhaustion. When his cousin didn't respond, he looked back over, raising his eyebrows. "Seriously?"

Namjoon shook his head, kissing his teeth. "Not exactly." He taped his fist against his knee, looking up and squinting at the sun. "It was her aunt."

Jimin's mouth dropped open in shock, his eyes locked on his cousin. "Her aunt? How did you manage that?"

"Remember the woman I fucked at the station?"

Jimin bit his lip, looking back to Jungkook who approached the group, sweat dripping from his temples. "Damn dude. That's tough."

Nodding, Namjoon thought back to the moment he had told Nabi the truth. He had struggled for the last two days on whether or not he made the right decision in telling her about Miss. Song. He had sent Nabi a text the day after he had confessed but still hadn't heard anything back. In reality, he wasn't expecting to. She was a smart girl, smart enough to realize he wasn't worth her time.

"Hyung! Come here!" Jungkook shouted, grabbing hold of Jimin's wrist and pulling him away from the wall.

The other four watched in amusement as the two boys disappeared from the pool and into the tree line.

"Ten bucks they fuck." Yoongi bet, stuffing his fists into his pockets and looking back to the group.

Taehyung shook his head, laughing. "What's up with you always betting they'll fuck?" He asked, genuinely intrigued with the older boy's obsession with the two's relationship.

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