12. Migraine

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(Same day)

Jin looked up to the small girl sitting across from him, his fingers interlocked and pressed firmly against his lips. He felt sick, his stomach heavy in his gut as he tried to process everything at once. Saying he was heartbroken was an understatement.

"Please say something." Her frail voice rang through his head, causing him to close his eyes in fear he would lose his strength to keep composure.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm his emotions. "I'm just," he exhaled, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I'm just trying to wrap my mind around everything." He pulls his hands away from his face, looking up to the ceiling. "When was the last time?" He asked, unable to look at her as he waited for the answer.

"The night I moved out." She looked down at the table, trying to keep the courage she had entered with. She knew Jin would be upset, but she didn't know who else to turn to. "I'm just so confused right now."

Jin finally looked to the dark haired girl, his heart sinking further into his stomach as he contemplated his next words. "I think the person you should be talking to is Yoongi, not me."

Seo nodded, understanding the position she had trapped him in. He wasn't to blame. There was no one else to blame but herself. She outstretched her hand, placing it over his. "Where does this leave us?" She questioned, her lip trembling.

Jin closed his eyes. "I guess we'll have to figure that out at a later time." He squeezed her hand, reassuring her that he wasn't going anywhere. "Just promise me you won't make any rash decisions. Think about everything, and don't let your fear overpower anything."

~~~~~(Same day)

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(Same day)

Jimin walked through the white halls, following the direction plaques on the walls. He clutched his arms around his waist, his fingers trembling as he finally came to the room he was looking for. He stared at the door, preparing himself for the event about to take place on the other side. Faking a brave face, he reached for the handle, only to retract when a large hand gripped his shoulder.

He spun, seeing an older man standing behind him, his eyes narrowing on Jimin's frame. Jimin shuddered at the sight, anxiety swarming his senses.

"Park Jimin?" The man questioned, raising his eyebrows.

Jimin swallowed hard, his bottom lip trembling as he nodded. He couldn't bring himself to speak, afraid he would break down in front of the stranger, something he couldn't afford to do. He hated being in this situation, his stomach turning with disgust.

The older man gave him a small smile, trying to reassure the obviously nervous boy. "Your friend suffered a heat stroke after taking an increased dose of Oxycodone. Though not enough to be considered an overdose, he is still suffering similar side effects like difficulty breathing and cold chills." The man looked down at his clipboard. "Do you happen to know the milligram dosage he was previously prescribed and for what condition?"

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