33. Bar Scene

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(Later that night)

Yoongi hated bars, especially in this grungy side of town. They always reeked of body odor and garbage, this one being no different. Women who were dressed nearly naked and men with roaming perverted eyes filled the loud room, forcing people to press up against one another in order to move. The lack of security at the front door didn't stop anyone from entering, filling the popular bar far past maximum occupancy.

With his hands shoved into his jacket pockets, he scrunched his nose and looked around the crowded dark space, searching for the others who had invited him to this cesspool of nasty.

Across the room in a private booth overlooking the crowd, his eyes locked with Hoseok, who flagged him down so vigorously he feared for the lives of the people sitting around him. Shaking his head, he looked away from the heart shaped smile awaiting him and searched for the easiest route to reach them.

Before he could even take a step forward, he felt something slam into his side, catching him off balance and forcing him into a table behind him. He quickly apologized to the patrons occupying the table, noticing their drinks had been knocked over, now dripping over the edge of the wood.

Yoongi scowled down at his now damp hand, shaking off the spilled alcohol and turning his attention to the idiot who obviously wasn't watching where they were going. Upon seeing their shocked expression, his eye softened, licking his lips as he wiped the remaining residue between his fingers onto his pant leg.

"I'm so sorry." The brunette apologised, her hands reaching out and helping him clean her drink off his chest. Her tiny hands wiped along his leather jacket, frantically trying to clean up her mistake.

Yoongi couldn't help but stare at the small girl who wore a large dark jean jacket that hung off her bare shoulders and brushed just past her matching shredded jean shorts. Her legs were graced with black fishnets that accentuated her glowing skin and black combat boots giving her a few extra inches of height. Her slim waist was exposed thanks to the black and white striped crop top she wore and Yoongi couldn't help feel his cheeks blush as his eyes landed on the almost hidden diamond belly button ring that sat perfectly at the top of her shorts.

Shaking his head, Yoongi glanced behind her at the group of rowdy boys shouting and shoving each other around playfully who had bumped into her out of recklessness. "You're not to blame." He reassured, kissing his teeth as his eyes found her once again. "You should hurry and get to safety before those dicks trample over you again."

Brushing her hands off of him, he quickly maneuvered around her small frame and pushed his way to the booth in the back where his friends sat.

"Who's the babe?" Namjoon asked, lifting his beer to his lips and taking a sip as he motioned towards the crowd of people.

Shrugging his shoulders, Yoongi slid into the booth beside a now distracted Hoseok, ignoring the way he stared over the crowd and plucked a napkin off the table. "Fuck if I know." He replied, removing his jacket and setting it on his lap, wiping up the droplets of alcohol.

"Probably just another brainless girl looking for her romeo in the wrong place." Namjoon joked, leaning over and waving his hand in front of a zoned out Hobi. "Hey space case. Are you going to talk to us or continue gawking at some random chick out there?"

Yoongi set his jacket along the bench between him and the distracted boy and reached out to take a beer from the center of the table, popping off the top. "I thought we agreed to never come to shitholes like this after what happened the last time." He commented, taking a sip.

Hoseok batted away their questions as a smile found its way to his lips. "Poppy and a few of the other trainees she was in that company with formed a little group after they left." He answered, pointing across the club. "They are performing here tonight."

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