23. Little Spoon or Big Spoon?

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Double Update!! 💜💜💜

(Later that night)

Jimin bit down on his lower lip, his eyes burning into the red light with anxiety coursing through his system. He hadn't stopped driving for what felt like hours, searching for the raven haired boy.

The moment he got the call from Hoseok, he dropped the boxes he had been carrying into the apartment and ran back to the car. His mind raced with worried thoughts, remembering what had happened to Jungkook the last time he had disappeared.

The light turned green and Jimin quickly pulled forward, leaning close to the wheel as he searched the streets for any sign of the boy.

The sudden sound of his ringtone playing through the car speakers jolted his body upright, catching him off guard. He pressed the green button on his steering wheel and sat back, gnawing on his lip once again.

"Any luck?" Hoseok's voice questioned through the car.

Jimin shook his head, his eyes still scanning through the sea of pedestrians on the sidewalk. "Nothing." He spoke, taking in a deep breath. "How could he just disappear like that?"

"Yoongi said it was a pretty bad fight." Namjoon's voice chimed in. "He feels really bad for calling him a f-" he cut off his sentence suddenly, the sound of hushed whispers being the only noise from the line. "That one word." He corrected, clearing his throat.

Jimin felt his chest build with rage at the word. He had been called every name in the book and couldn't care less. But Jungkook was just starting to work through his feelings. He wasn't prepared to face anything like that.

"I'm going to ring Yoongi's neck when I see him." Jimin flared his nostrils, his fingers tightening around the steering wheel as he narrowed his eyes with rage.

"He was drunk." Namjoon replied, coming to the older boy's defense.

"I don't care!" Jimin yelled into the speaker. "He shouldn't have—" he quickly slammed on the breaks as a shadowy figure stepped into the road. The car screeched to a stop, Jimin's head slamming into the back of his seat.

"You okay?" Hoseok shouted through the phone.

Jimin looked up at the dark figure, his gaze meeting the heavy set doe eyes looking back at him. "Jungkook?" He questioned, his fingers fumbling with the buckle trapping him in the vehicle, while he fought to put the car in park.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon shouted.

"You found him?" Hobi added.

Jimin finally released the strap and threw the car door open, jumping to his feet. "Jungkook?" He questioned, stepping around the door and approaching the raven haired boy.

Jungkook watched him with wide eyes as the blonde approached cautiously. "Jimin-Shi?" His voice was weak and hoarse.

Jimin nodded, giving him a small smile. "Hey Kookie. I've been driving around for hours looking for you."

The younger boy's lips suddenly started to quiver, his eyes filling with tears. "Jimin-Shi. I-"

Jimin reached out, swiftly pulling the larger boy into his arms. "It's okay Kook."

Jungkook wrapped his arms around the small waist of the blonde, burying his face into his neck. "C-can I stay with you tonight?" He mumbled, not wanting to separate from the others warm embrace.

Jimin rubbed the youngsters back, looking around the street as other cars started to pass around them slowly. "Of course you can Bunny." He reassured, patting his back to get his attention. "How about we get in the car and stop blocking traffic though?"

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