24. How About Now?

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(Same night)

Taehyung waited outside the apartment complex, his phone in his hand staring at the message on the screen. Wren had texted him, asking if he wanted to hang out and after the day he had he jumped on the offer, leaving Namjoon and Hobi to clean up Yoongi's mess on their own.

A taxi pulled up to the curb and the back door opened, Wren stepping out and handing the driver cash before turning to face Tae. "I didn't expect you to get here so fast." She smiled, approaching him as the cab pulled back onto the street.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, following as she unlocked the front door and entered the apartment building. He couldn't stop his wandering eyes from scanning over her sculpted body exposed by the tight red dress she wore. "I had nothing better going on." In reality, he needed a distraction.

Wren stepped into the elevator and smiled up at him. "You could lie and say you missed me."

Taehyung felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment. Ever since their flirting at work, he couldn't stop thinking about wanting to see her again. It could have just been the lust from their last encounter, but the urge to be near her was evident.

Taehyung leaned against the opposite wall of the elevator and looked at the blonde, his eyes scanning over her body yet again. If someone had told him two weeks ago he would be spending this time with her, feeling this way towards her, he would have laughed in their face. Wren had spent months flirting with him, trying to get him to spend the slightest amount of time with her, but he always brushed it off and ignored it. He had only ever seen her as a coworker with a flirty personality but now he was looking at her through new eyes.

Tae ran his fingers through his hair, looking up at the climbing numbers above the elevator doors. "That dress looks good on you." he felt his cheeks burn as he forced out the words, unable to look at her.

Wren smiled down at the ground, stepping closer to the nervous boy. "I thought it was too tight personally." She tugged at the hem of the dress, pulling it further down her thighs.

Taehyung sucked in his breath, the number of her floor finally lighting up. Maybe it was a bad idea coming here after everything that happened tonight with his friends. He should be out helping them but instead, he was here. Tae hated the thought of using her as a distraction, but that's exactly what he needed; to forget his troubles for even a fraction of time.

The doors opened and Wren laced her fingers with his, pulling him down the hall. "You're always so nervous around me." She laughed, approaching her front door.

Keeping her hand in his, she dug through her purse, pulling her keys free and unlocking the door. Taehyung gulped, seeing the familiar apartment come into view as he stepped through the front door.

Wren hung up her keys by the door and dropped her purse, turning to look bat at Tae. "How was your night?" She asked, stepping out of her heels and heading towards the kitchen.

Taehyung removed his backpack and set it beside the front door and slid out of his shoes as well. "Been better." He slowly moved through the apartment, his eyes flashing to the couch as the memories flooded back. He felt his pants tighten and quickly looked away, not wanting to embarrass himself further. "I'm actually really happy you texted. I needed to get out of there."

"Your father again?" She asked, approaching him with a glass of water.

Tae shook his head no and accepted the drink. "My friends this time."

She pouted her lip. "The cute one with pink hair?"

Taehyung's eyes widened. Cute? "He's not cute." he quickly cleared his throat and took a sip of the water, embarrassed by his outburst.

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