14. Good for them

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(Later that night)

Jungkook looked out at the city lights in the distance. It was calming knowing there were thousands of other people living their lives, completely different from his own, happy or otherwise. He had finally sobered up from his drunken blackout, his mind now trying to piece together the brief moments of the party he could remember. 

There was the bitter taste of warm beer mixed with the smell of lavender. His lips were raw and swollen, and his shoulder blades and neck ached.

Although he couldn't remember more than that, he knew he had done something wrong. The feeling sat deep in his stomach, pulling at his heart.

The sliding door to the apartment suddenly opened and Taehyung poked his head out onto the balcony. "Why are you awake?" He asked, his lips pouted as he ruffled his already messy bed hair. He looked like he should still be wrapped up in a blanket and tucked in bed.

Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair and looked back out at the lights. "I had to puke." He admits, licking his lips. "I couldn't fall back asleep afterwards."

Taehyung looks over his shoulder as the front door of the apartment opens and Namjoon and Yoongi enter, talking. Taehyung quickly steps onto the balcony and closes the door behind him. "Is it because of what you did to Jimin?" He asks, sitting on the small patio chair.

Jungkook looked at his friend with wide eyes. "What I did to Jimin? What did I do to him?" His hands pull at his hair as he fights to remember the night. Never, in his whole adolescence of drinking, has he forgotten something. His mind starts to wander, thinking about the only things that would make sense. Did I kiss him? Did I kiss him in front of everyone? Or...

Tae folds his arms over his chest, blocking out the cold night air. "I mean, being mad at him is one thing. But you took it to a whole new level."

Jungkook scrunched his nose at Taehyung's words, not understanding what he meant. When the party had started, Jungkook's main plan was to get drunk enough to stop thinking about everything, especially Jimin and Hoseok. He hated how he felt about the boy and his relationship with Hoseok, jealousy and anger consuming his thoughts.

"What did I do Tae?" Jungkook asked, his voice deep with concern.

"You flaunted your hook up with a random girl right in front of him." Taehyung looked up at his best friend, his eyes still heavy with sleep. "You literally stared him down as you walked with her into his room."

Jungkook dropped his head into his hands, his head spinning. He felt the urge to throw up again pulse at the back of his throat as an image appears every time he closed his eyes. Blonde hair. Long blonde hair.

"You dip-shits are still alive?"

Both boys looked up to see Namjoon and Yoongi standing at the door. Yoongi stepped onto the balcony and leaned against the building, digging through his pants pocket.

"When did life get so messed up?" Jungkook asked, bringing his legs up to his chest and resting his chin on his knees.

"It's always been fucked up." Yoongi replied, pulling his cigarette pack free of his pocket and placing one in between his teeth. "You're just starting to see it." Yoongi said coldly, lighting the end of the white stick and exhaling a puff of smoke.

Jungkook groaned and wrapped his arms around his face, blocking out the cold air.

"That's why we need to be there for each other." Taehyung hums, his eyes fixated on the ground. "Keep each other going."

Namjoon scoffed, running his hand over his face. "What if we just make things worse?" He looks up at Tae, his eyes heavy.

Taehyung hadn't expected that response. He looked back at the older boy before dropping his head and closing his eyes as he leaned against the chair.

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