28. Always

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(The Next Day)

Namjoon's eyes widened as they fell over the beautiful girl approaching him. He had told her to wear something breathtaking, but was not expecting what stood before him. He smiled, reaching his hand out to take hers, studying the black dress that hugged her curves perfectly.

Biting his lip, Namjoon lifted her hand and placed a soft kiss against her knuckles, his eyes locked with hers. "You look stunning." He praised, straightening his stance and looping his arm around her waist. It took every ounce of his being to not trail his hand lower, desperately wanting to grasp her plump ass.

Nabi blushed, her eyes shifting towards the floor to hide from him. "Thank you. I tried." She bit her lip, trying to build her confidence before she looked back up at him.

Namjoon's dimples flashed as he smiled and leaned down to press a chaste kiss to her cheek. "Don't be nervous. I won't bite." He whispered, kissing her cheek again before leading her through the restaurant to their table in the back.

Nabi looked around the empty tables, separated from the rest of the customers in the busy restaurant. "How did you get such a private table?" She asked as he pulled out her chair for her and waited for her to take a seat.

"I'm best friends with the owner." Namjoon replied, stepping around the table to his own seat. "He's a culinary genius. I promise you'll love it here."

"It's beautiful here." Nabi replied, admiring the elaborate decor and savory aroma. "And live music? So glamorous."

Namjoon glanced towards Yoongi at the far corner of the restaurant and smiled as the beautiful melody played through the restaurant. "I'm glad you like it." He looked back to the nervous girl, picking up his menu and gesturing for her to do the same. "So now that you've passed the bar, do you have any firms in mind that you're going to apply to?"

Nabi smiled as her eyes scanned over the menu. "My aunt and uncle own a firm that I'll be interning at for a year before they take me on full time." She spoke excitedly, glancing up at him. "Where are you applying?"

"There are two firms I'm interested in; Song and Bowers." He closed his menu and set it at the edge of the table, lacing his fingers under his chin as he watched her.

Nabi's eyes snapped to him, wide with surprise. "Song? That's my aunt and uncle's firm."

Namjoon raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Really? Maybe we'll be fortunate enough to work together." He replied, taking a sip of his water.

Nodding, Nabi closed her menu and followed his motion, taking a sip of her own water. "Hopefully. I'd hate going up against you on a case."

Namjoon smiled, admiring the way her eyes lit up with excitement. Through dinner, they discussed every subject from politics to their favorite color, and for once he actually enjoyed the conversation. Most women he dated were boring or not in any way interesting, usually resulting in him rushing to get them alone so he could fulfill his needs and leave. But Nabi was different. He enjoyed watching the way her nose crinkled when she smiled and how her voice raised slightly when she was excited about a topic. He found himself genuinely laughing along with her, his eyes rarely leaving hers.

After enjoying dessert, they found themselves still occupying the table, talking and laughing until they noticed the restaurant was almost empty, the servers starting their closing routines.

After paying, Namjoon took her hand and led her to the front, stopping for a brief moment to praise Yoongi, subtly boasting about his connections.

"So this is library girl?" Yoongi asked, pausing from cleaning up his gear and standing straight to greet them, a cord wrapped around his hand and elbow.

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