4. Games

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(Same day)

Jin stared at the ratings of the restaurant on the screen of his computer, exhaling in defeat by the recent negative review. The restaurant had a majority of positive remarks, guests loving the new atmosphere and upgraded menu but with some people despising the changes all together.

Looking over the reviews had become routine ever since he had purchased the mom and pop diner, constantly searching for new ways to improve and attract customers. Although the restaurant was doing well financially, there was still the thought in the back of his mind, questioning what he could do to appease the negative reviews.

A small knock brought his attention away from the screen and to the door of his office as it was pushed open and Seo stepped inside. Once aware she had caught his attention, she carefully closed the door behind her and crossed her arms over her chest. "Do you have a moment?" She asked, pulling at her work uniform sleeves.

Jin nodded. "I'm guessing it's not a work related matter?" He asked, motioning to the chair across from him. He watched carefully as she sat down and pulled her feet into the seat, wrapping her arms around her knees.

She stared at his desk for what felt like forever, gathering her thoughts, her lips pouted slightly. "I moved out this morning." She finally broke the silence in the room, her voice thick with emotion. "I'm staying with my cousin now." She moved her eyes to look up at him, a single tear trailing over her cheek.

Jin abruptly stood from his chair and rounded the desk. He knelt down in front of her and reached his hands up, caressing her cheeks. "Don't cry." He spoke softly as his thumbs ran along her soft skin. "What's your plan now?" He asked, bringing his hands to her knees as he peered up at her.

Seo placed her trembling hands on top of his, her skin cold as ice. She swallowed hard, her eyes locked on the floor. "As much as I love him, I can't be with someone I don't trust." Her voice was hushed as she spoke, almost as if she were trying to convince herself of the words. "I want a healthy relationship, not one where I constantly question him about everything." She squeezed his hands, the trembling in her muscles getting worse.

Jin brought her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles, lingering as he inhaled the sweet smell of lotion he had loved for so many years. "You deserve to have a healthy relationship." He spoke into her hands, trying to keep his voice calm. "Just promise me you wont move on too quickly." He took a deep breath, trying to prepare himself for the words he was about to say. "Yoongi needs some time to heal. He may be an ass sometimes, but he's still sensitive, especially when it comes to you."

Seo looked down at Jin, her eyes studying his features closely. His lashes laid against his porcelain cheeks, lips rosy and plump. She had always admired his beauty, even in their adolescent years when he had the worst bowl-cut and fashion sense. For as long as she could remember, women were always fond of him, falling in love at first glance and practically begging for his attention. But somehow, he never returned the interest, claiming the woman he loved wouldn't want him for his face or body but his heart and soul.

What beauty others saw from a distance, she saw from deep within, which was the most beautiful part about him. Jin was the most caring human she had ever met, always putting others before himself and selflessly helping in any way he could. He was there when she needed him the most, even if he was going through his own struggles, never complaining or growing tired of her constant struggles.

Never had he made her feel unloved or wanted, reminding her daily of just how amazing and beautiful she was, knowing it was hard for her to accept the compliment on her own.

"I can't keep that promise." Her voice was barely a whisper as the words left her lips.

Jin's eyes widened as he looked from their clasped hands to her face, fear etched in his features. He searched her expression for an answer, his mind instantly imaging Yoongi's reaction when he learned she had already moved on to someone new. And then it hit him. She had already found someone to give her heart to.

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