9. Our Friends

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(Same night)

Jin exhaled, his chin dropping against his chest in exhaustion. Namjoon had tried his best to help with Yoongi on the ride home, keeping him from throwing up again and assisting him into his home, but Jin still felt his head pounding. Although he desperately needed sleep, he had made a promise and planned to keep it. Reaching up, he tapped his knuckles against the apartment door and smiled as the sound of rustling came from the other side.

The door suddenly swung open, revealing Seo with a towel around her head and a toothbrush in her hand. She wore a large t-shirt that fell around her knees, and a pair of black fuzzy socks. She pouted at him before turning and walking back into the apartment leaving the door wide open.

Jin quickly followed, gently closing the door behind him. "I know I'm late, I'm sorry."

Seo walked down the hallway and entered the bathroom, rinsing her toothbrush and her mouth before turning back to face him. "It's past ten. You said you would be here after I got off work." She turned around and dried her hands on the hanging towel.

Jin leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his chest. "I know. I was helping the guys and things ran later than planned." He tilted his head, watching as she removed the towel from her head and let her damp hair fall over her shoulders, creating small wet spots on the shirt. "But I promised I'd be here, and I'm here." He smiled, trying his best to win her over.

Seo turned off the bathroom light and moved around him, leading the way to her bedroom. "Well, now I'm tired." She replied, entering her room and turning on the light.

Jin watched her pace through the bedroom, picking up clothing off the ground and tossing them out of the way, a nervous habit she's had since high school. "Does that mean you want me to leave?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking as he pointed his thumb towards the front door.

Her head snapped up and the bundle of clothes almost fell from her grasp. "No!" She moved closer to him, dropping the clothes into a hamper and pulled him into the room by the sleeve. She slammed the bedroom door behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. "I still want you here."

Jin lifted his arms so he could turn around and face her, then wrapped them around her shoulders, pulling her tightly against his body. "Okay, okay. I'll stay."

She nuzzled against his chest and sighed a breath of relief. "I missed you today." She mumbled into his jacket.

He gently pressed his lips to the top of her head and smiled. "I missed you too. How was work?"

Seo pulled out of his grasp and moved to the bed, patting the mattress beside her as she sat. "Nothing out of the usual. A few upset guests, but nothing I couldn't handle."

Jin sat on the bed and knitted his brows. "Upset about what?"

Seo wrapped her arms around his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. "Calm down boss man." She smiled, looking up at him. "They left happy."

Jin looked over her features, suddenly remembering the first time he had seen her. He smiled, seeing the same beautiful brown eyes he had fallen in love with at such a young age. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to her nose, his hand running up her back and resting on her side. He exhaled, leaning back before he got too carried away with his actions. "We need to talk."

She bit onto her bottom lip and nodded. "Right." She leaned back crossing her legs in front of her and looking up at him. "I've been thinking a lot, and I've decided that I don't want to be with Yoongi anymore." She took a deep breath and looked down at her hands in her lap. "I want to be with you."

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