31. Showers and Interviews

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(Later that day)

Hoseok clutched his gym bag to his side, his forehead slick with beads of sweat as he headed towards the showers. He and Poppy had decided to grab lunch after class and since she was busy helping one of the dancers with a move, he decided to hop in the shower to freshen up.

Since he now lived down the street from the studio, he never found it necessary to use the showers in the locker room, which was a good thing since he usually felt awkward in such a situation. Thankfully the building was fairly empty, giving him the chance to shower without interruptions. After finding an empty locker, he quickly removed his bag and grabbed a towel off the rack from above.

He began removing his sweaty clothes, first his shirt then sweats when his eyes locked onto a locker that was cracked open, a familiar orange bottle perfectly on display. Licking his lips, he looked around the room for peeping eyes before reaching forward and opening the locker further, scanning over the label.


Slamming the locker shut, he released a deep sigh, pressing his forehead against the cold metal. His body shook slightly, the adrenaline of the simple discovery coursing through his veins.

He hadn't used since moving in with Jimin and the realization that he could have ruined his progress if it had been what he was hoping for made his stomach drop. He had actually wished it would have been something stronger, better. Something worth taking.

Sensing his panic, he pulled off the remainder of his clothes and pacened to the showers, flinging open the curtain and twisting the knob. He stood there, letting the cold water run over his skin until it grew warmer, his breathing uneven.

He tried to focus on things other than the pills; Jungkooks moaning the night before, Jimin's disgusting pancakes, even Namjoon kicking him in the back when they shared a bed weeks ago. But nothing worked. He couldn't help but think of where he could find the pills he wanted. He hadn't been working at the retirement home, so lifting them off someone would be hard.

He could pay a visit to a home, pretend he was visiting a relative. But that was too tricky.

Damn it! Why did Jimin flush them all?


His head snapped up at the soft voice, pulling him from his thoughts. "Poppy?"

"I thought you ditched me." She chuckled, her voice echoing past the running water.

Hoseok looked towards her shadow casting against the white fabric, his heartbeat picking up for a new reason now. "What are you doing in the men's locker room?" He questioned, running his hands over his face to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

She remained quiet for a moment, her finger trailing over the fabric as she thought. "I had hoped you were in here." She paused again, the shadow of her finger pulling away from the curtain. "Mind if I join?"

Hoseok felt a spark jolt through his lower abdomen at the sensual taste of her voice. He bit his lip, trying to hold back the impure thoughts flashing through his mind at her request, not wanting to scare her off.

"S-sure." He replied, turning his back to the curtain and looking down at the drain.

The sound of the metal hooks being pushed to the side sent a chill over his skin, his breathing becoming thicker as the chilled air grazed his skin. He closed his eyes, trying to steady his breathing as the sound of the curtain closing rang through the small space.

A cold, gentle hand ran along his back, tracing over the water droplets that clung to his skin. "Is this okay with you?" Poppy asked, her breath tickling his ear as she spoke.

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