38. Mattress

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(Later that night)

Taehyung had lied to the others once they finally dispersed for the night, telling them he would be staying with Wren when in reality, he just wanted to be alone. After walking for over an hour lost in his thoughts, he had finally stumbled across the abandoned swimming pool he hadn't visited since he was a teen.

It hadn't changed much since he last saw it. The greenery surrounding the area was well overgrown, in some places dipping over the edges of the pool and beginning a new garden between the cracked tile. He actually enjoyed the new atmosphere. It seemed more beautiful than when he had first visited.

Not thinking much of it, nor caring, Tae climbed down the ladder of the empty pool and approached a single mattress resting along the side of the wall. After inspecting it briefly for insects or other disturbing things, Tae pulled on the fabric, allowing the lightweight mattress to collide with the ground, forming the perfect spot for sleep.

Dropping to his knees, Tae rolled onto his back, exhaling a sigh of relief at how comfortable the old piece of furniture actually was. It smelled ever so slightly of stale water but he really didn't care. In all honesty, the abandoned mattress was probably far cleaner than his own back home.

He laid there, staring up at the night sky, his mind free of all fear and anxiety. He knew his father was going to be upset with him. He knew he would have to say goodbye to his mother. But that was tomorrow Tae's problem. Tonight, he was going to enjoy the beautiful sky as he fell asleep.

Although so much was about to change, he smiled, knowing it was all going to be okay in the end. Just one last hurdle before he would be completely free of that evil man's control.

"Hey stars. Can you do me a favor?" He spoke into the night, his eyes locked in on the beautiful lights in the sky. "Can you keep an eye out on mom for me? She's going to need someone to keep her strong now that I'm not there."

Rolling onto his side, Tae tucked his hands into his jacket, fighting off the cold night air. Memories from his childhood slowly crept in as he shut his eyes, flashbacks overwhelming his every thought, prolonging his desire to rest.

"I miss you so much." He cried, prying back open his eyes and looking back up to the stars. "I miss you so fucking much."

As if responding to his words, a single star began to glow brighter, bringing a smile to the sleepy boys face.

As if responding to his words, a single star began to glow brighter, bringing a smile to the sleepy boys face

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(Next Morning)

Jimin unwrapped his arms from around Jungkook's waist and sat up, groaning in displeasure at the blaring sound of someone knocking at his bedroom door.

"What?" He called out, scratching the back of his head.

"Are you decent?" Came a voice from the other side of the door, Jimin instantly recognizing as Namjoon.

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