10. Beer Run

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This chapter contains mature situations that some readers may find triggering

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This chapter contains mature situations that some readers may find triggering. I have indicated the beginning and end of each triggering scene (***START***) and (***END***), so if at any time you feel uneasy reading, skip to the ***END***  areas in order to continue the story.
And don't worry, if you do choose to skip these spots, you are not missing any vital information.

(Same day)

Taehyung eased his way into his apartment, quietly closing the door behind him. He had spent the night at Jungkooks, for once getting a decent night's rest, and had waited until noon to finally come home. It was nice being able to sleep a full night with no interruptions, and wake up without someone yelling in his ear or pouring a mysterious wet substance on him.

Taehyung looked around the living room, relieved that no one was present. No one being his father.

Rubbing his eyes, he moved through the livingroom and entered the hallway, deciding to take this quiet time to finally work on his assignments. Though not fully committed to college like Jungkook, Tae still took a few classes here and there, mainly focused around his personal interests. This semester's course; Art Throughout The Ages. Although weary of the class at first, he had quickly become fond of the artist Van Gogh, in which he decided to use as inspiration for his assignment.

"Boy!" Shouted a gargled voice down the hall.
Taehyung rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked back down the hall from where he had just came from. The kitchen. Of course he forgot to check the kitchen. Gripping his backpack on his shoulder, Tae headed back down the hall and peeked his head around the corner into the kitchen. "Yeah? What's up?"

His father sat at the dining table, empty cans of beer littering the surface and the floor around him. His face looked as though he hadn't shaved in days, his eyes red and heavy as he slowly looked up and squinted towards his son.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He grumbled, running his fingers through his dark and greasy hair.

Tae scrunched his nose at the stench that radiated off the old man. "I was at Kooks." He replied, trying to breath through his mouth. "I had homework."

"I'm out of beer!" The old man shouted, lifting an empty crushed can to his lips.

"But I just bought you a case." Tae retorted, his eyebrows knitted together.

Taehyung ducked as the empty can was hurled in his direction, colliding against the wall behind him. His eyes widened as he looked back at his father, who continued to search through the empty cans. "Hurry!" The old man shouted, tossing another empty can in his direction.

Taehyung flares his nostrils and turned from the kitchen. He quickly pulled his wallet from the front pocket of his backpack and stuffs it into his jeans before tossing the bag aside and heading out the front door. He took a deep breath as he stepped onto the balcony, looking across the way at the other apartments that made up the rundown complex. He hated this place more than anything.

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