8. You'll Survive

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(Later that night)

Jimin looked over at a half-asleep Hoseok clutching his arm before glancing down at his phone. It was almost ten and the majority of the group had seemingly drunk themselves to sleep, all except Jin who spent the quiet time cleaning up their mess. Jimin looked up at the dimming fire and sighed, stretching his arms up to relieve the pressure his sleep position had caused within his shoulders.

"I'm going to get this drunken mess home." Jimin announced, gently shaking his pinned arm hoping to wake the older boy.

At the feeling, Hoseok shifted and slowly peeled his eyes open. "I don't feel so good." he mumbled, folding over into Jimin's lap and groaning.

Knowing what was to follow, Jimin rubbed Hoseok's back and waited for him to fall back asleep. After waiting for the older boy's soft snores, Jimin allowed his eyes to move about the small space before locking in on where the two youngest had been sitting. "Where did Tae and Kook go?" he asked, suddenly squinting through the dark as he searched the large room.

"They left about twenty minutes ago." Jin informed as he picked up the few empty cans surrounding Namjoon's lap and sighed as he dropped them into a plastic bag. Gauging the quiet room, Jin looked over to the only other conscious boy. "Look, I don't know what's going on with you and my brother but," He pursed his lips as he crushed another can and looked down at the ground. "Please don't treat him like any of your other flings."

Jimin's bottom lip dropped open at Jin's sudden words, questioning if he hadn't been as careful as he had promised. "How did you know?" He asked, running his fingers through his hair. "I promised him no one would find out until he's ready."

"I know my brother better than anyone. He may not be ready to come face to face with whatever he's going through, but his facial expressions gave away his jealousy towards you two." He motioned a finger between Jimin and Hoseok before reaching down to pry a can from Yoongi's hand.

Feeling his cheeks blush, Jimin looked down at the sleeping boy in his lap. "He was jealous?" he asked, a smirk dancing on his lips.

Jin let out a deep sigh and shook his head, unable to voice just how scared he actually felt about their relationship. "Do you two need a ride?" He asked, quickly changing the subject before he got too carried away.

Jimin shook his head and started to rub Hoseok's back again. "I'll get us a cab. You worry about getting those idiots home." he replied, motioning to the two boys across the now burnt-out fire. He looked down at Hobi in his lap and gently shook his back. "Wakey-wakey Hobs. Time to go home."

Following suit, Jin crossed the small sitting area and roughly shook Yoongi's shoulder. "Wake up you drunk."

"What the fuck?" Yoongi slurred, his eyes wandering around the room. "Where am I?

Ignoring his question, Jin nudged him again before moving onto the other. "Come on, let's go home."

Namjoon yawned and slowly stood to his feet, playing off the fact he had even dozed off. "Come on Suga." He muttered, stumbling around the seating area and heading towards to tunnel to leave.

"I'm surprised he can stand on his own." Jimin commented, just before a loud crash reverberated through the room followed by Namjoon groaning. 


(Same time)

After deciding to leave the Underground before the others eventually woke, Jungkook and Tae walked along the empty streets, silence looming between them. Neither felt the need to talk, knowing each other's company was all they needed.

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