47. Brothers in Mourning

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(Same Morning)

Jungkook twirled his phone in his hand, tapping his foot to the jazzy tune playing as he rode the elevator up the many floors. His morning had been fairly quiet since he didn't have class for another two hours and he couldn't wait to see the man he had been thinking about all night.

He knew there was little chance Jimin would actually be home, knowing he had a busy day with clients. But after a few missed calls and text messages left on read, he decided to make a stop by the apartment to check in on him. He smiled to himself as the doors to the lift opened and the bright fluorescent hallway came into view.

Not wanting to waste another minute away from the boy he loved, Jungkook jogged down the hall, ignoring the upset neighbors yelling at him to slow down as he passed. Once in front of the beautiful door, he knocked, bouncing in place as he waited for an answer.

When an entire minute went by without a single indication his arrival was being answered, Jungkook knocked again, this time louder in case the first had been too quiet. But when that went unanswered as well, he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Jimin's number, leaning against the frame of the door while the dial tone rang through.

Almost instantly, a chime sounded from the other side of the door, alerting that the older boy was home. Jungkook smiled brightly, enthusiasm coursing through his veins as the reason he was here popped in his mind. He couldn't wait to share his exciting proposal with the blonde.

After two rings from the other side of the door, the olders beautiful voice finally reached Jungkook's ears, his smile faltering.

"Hey it's Jimin. Leave me a message and I'll return your call the moment I'm available."

Furrowing his brow, Jungkook knocked once more, this time more panicked. If Jimin was inside, why isn't he answering the phone? Was he hurt? Is he okay? A million questions swirled in his mind as his fist pounded frantically against the wood.

"Chim? It's Jungkook." He called out, pausing between knocks as he waited for a response. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

No answer.

Jungkook felt his heart begin to race within his chest as he looked around the door, running his fingers over the frame and even kneeling to lift up the mat in hopes of finding a spare key. But to no avail, he stood back up, lifting his phone back into view and dialing a new number.

"Hey Hyung." He spoke, running his fingers through his hair. "Have you heard from Jimin today? I'm at the apartment and he's not answering." He chewed on his bottom lip as terrifying thoughts began to consume his mind.

"I'll give him a call Kook. I'm sure he's fine." Hoseok replied, calming Jungkook ever so slightly.

"Thank you." He hung up the phone and waited by the door until the ringtone played within the room once again.

Within seconds it was answered, Jimin's murmured voice sounding like an angel had just kissed his eardrums. Jimin was okay. He was alive and talking.

Resting his head against the door, Jungkook exhaled a relieved breath, feeling his eyes well with tears. "Jimin?" He called out, knocking again.

Jimin looked down at his phone as he ended the call from his worried roommate, a tear landing on the screen. Hearing Jungkook's distressed voice cry through the door had sent his emotions flaring up once again.

After spending the entire night convincing himself he was over the younger boy, all his desire came flooding back the moment he received the first text message out of many Jungkook had sent that morning. And now, hearing him call out to him, his physical body being only a few feet away made his confidence in the decision to leave the relationship waver.

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