7. Punishment

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(Later that night)

The three younger boys followed closely to the Hyungs leading the way down the cement halls of the abandoned subway. Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon all carried six packs in each hand as they bantered back and forth about the 'good ol'days.'

Just as they were entering a new dimly lit tunnel, Jin suddenly spun around on his heals, looking down the corridor at the others behind him as if remembering something important. "Last one there gets a punishment." He suddenly shouted,  catching the others attention before running down the corridor.

All the Hyungs let out a groan as they began to chase after him, leaving the youngers behind.

"We don't even know where we're going!" Jungkook shouted as he caught up to the group, keeping close to not get left behind.

"Then it looks like you're getting punished." Jimin smirked at him before shoving the younger boys shoulder and sprinting ahead.

"Hey guys, check this out!" Namjoon shouted, stopping the moment he noticed a circular mirror on the wall. "Look at this!" He approached his reflection and rubbed his chin, raising his eyebrows and smirking.

The guys all turned around and jogged to his side, looking in the mirror with confused expressions. "What are we supposed to be looking at?" Taehyung asked, standing on his tiptoes to get a better view before giving up and stepping away.

Namjoon bit his bottom lip and took a step back. "Last place!" He shouted, turning on his heels and running back down the hallway and around the corner. "Home sweet home!" Namjoon shouted as they rounded the same corner which opened up to a large, cement room. 

In the center of the space sat three old couches, one of which was made from the back seats of a car, a few beanbags, and an old shopping cart with black tied bags piled inside. The room was dimly lit the few light bulbs that somehow hadn't burnt out, setting the mood for a fun evening. 

After a few years away from their favorite place as kids, Yoongi and Hoseok both dropped onto a couch of their own choosing and immediately popped open a beer, cheering to each other in the air before chugging back the liquid. Namjoon picked up a beer from his case and tossed one to Tae before plopping down on the third couch and motioning the brunette to join them. Accepting the invite, Tae popped open the beer in his hand and took a sip, finding a spot beside Hobi.

Jungkook's eyes widened as Hoseok reached up and grabbed the hem of Jimin's shirt, pulling him onto the same couch beside him. "Are you finally going to get wasted tonight?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around the younger boy's neck and pulled him across his chest.

Jimin laughed and fought for release, his eyes scrunched tight from his raised cheeks. "You know I don't like to drink Hobi!" He pushed back, his laughter erupting through the large area.

"Oh come on baby face." Hoseok joked, ruffling Jimin's hair before releasing him. "Let tonight be the night you finally let lose."

Jimin's smile turned into a smirk. "Are you trying to take advantage of me Hyung?" He asked, running his hand through his hair flirtatiously and chewing on his bottom lip.

Hosoek took a drink of his beer and smiled. "Don't get ahead of yourself, kid."

Jungkook reluctantly slid onto the seat with Yoongi, his eyes falling to his lap as he found it difficult to watch the other boys interaction.

Yoongi looked up from his beer and scrunched his face. "Why the sad face Kookie?" He asked, taking another drink of his beer.

Jungkook parted his lips and looked up at the older boy beside him. "It's nothing Hyung." He replied, forcing his best fake smile. "Just a lot on my mind right now." His eyes flashed to Jimin, who now had his arm wrapped around Hoseok's neck in a playful headlock. Jungkook looked away quickly, his stomach growing heavy in his gut at the sight.

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