17. Fuck Boy

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(The next morning)

Jungkook entered the small diner the guys had all agreed to meet up at. He hadn't talked to anyone since the party the night before, ignoring calls and worried text messages that asked if he had made it home okay. Truthfully, he had made it home in one piece. His abdomen was littered with the dark purple bruises, his jaw and cheeks darkening as well. He hadn't achknowledged the marks until he woke up the next morning, shocked by the rapid development of the spors.

Wanting to shut out everyone and everything, he had gone to turn off his phone to try and sleep in, only to receive a group text from Jimin to meet at the diner.

And now an hour later, he was walking into the restaurant, still unsure if he could handle being here, around Jimin, with all the guilt of what he did still weighing on his shoulders.

Spotting Taehyung and Namjoon in a corner booth, he quickly moved through the restaurant, ignoring the smiling waitress approaching.

The first to notice his presence was Namjoon, his eyes widening as they fell over the young boy. "Damn Kook, what happened to you?"

The four other boys around him looked up, their eyes widening as well to his appearance.

Jin jumped from the booth, his hands gripping the youngests face in order to get a better look at the bruises littering his skin. "Are you fighting again?"

Jungkook pushed away his brother's hand and slid into the booth beside Taehyung, wincing as a stabbing pain shot through his abdomen. "It's nothing." He reached out, stealing Tae's water off the table and taking a drink.

"Nothing my ass. When did that happen?" Jin demanded, sitting back down in his spot, his eyes fixed on Jungkook.

"Hmm, let me think." The younger boy replied sarcastically. "It's been what, ten hours since you last saw me? Maybe it happened then?" Jungkook replied, scooping out an ice cube from the water glass and popping it in his mouth.

"Don't be smart with me Kook. You promised you would stop fighting." Jin flared his nostrils, fuming with rage.

Jungkook bit his lip, focusing on the table not wanting to talk about the subject anymore. But of course, his eyes disobeyed him, darting to the blonde boy sitting beside his brother before quickly finding the table again once their gazes met. "I wouldn't call it much of a fight. I never even touched the guys." He chewed on the ice cube, trying to keep his expression even as he looked around the noisy diner.

"Guys? Were you jumped?" Taehyung asked, trying to get a better view of the bruise on the younger's chin.

Jungkook poked his tongue against the inside of his cheek, annoyed by the constant questions. "How about we order some lunch and stop obsessing over nothing." He abruptly picked up the menu and scanned over the options.

"So when is Hoseok being released?" Namjoon asked, taking a sip of his drink as he draped an arm over the back of the booth behind Taehyung.

Jimin looked down at his phone. "I'm going to go pick him up after we eat here." He locked his phone before removing it from the table. "Is the apartment cleaned up?" He looked over his closed menu to his cousin, raising his brows.

Namjoon nodded. "Tae and Yoongi helped me with it this morning. Sorry about that."

"Hobi asked if you all would want to hang out later. He's not ready to go to the house yet and wants to spend some time with you guys." Jimin asked, resting his chin on the menu as he looked amongst the group.

"I have to run by the restaurant some time today to check on things. But I'm down." Jin replied, closing his menu and setting it at the end of the table.

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