26. Against the Wall

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(Same night)

Yoongi sat on the curb of the road, a sucker tucked within his cheeks watching the street lamp flicker from the other side of the road. It was just past sunset, the moon casting a faint glow over the town. It had rained earlier that day, leaving small puddles throughout the streets, a sweet fresh smell filling the air.

Leaning back on his hands, he let his eyes fall towards the sound of footsteps, noticing a few of his friends approaching. "I half expected you guys to not show up." He snickered, looking back at the street lamp.

"We weren't going to." Jimin replied, joining the older boy's side along the curb, kicking his feet out in front of him. "But Jungkook talked me into it."

Yoongi leaned forward, his gaze focusing on a small puddle at his feet as he removed the sucker from his mouth. Not knowing what to say, he dropped the sucker in the water and stood to his feet, turning to the others behind them. Before he could open his mouth to say anything, the doe eyed boy wrapped his arms around Yoongi's small body, hugging him close.

Yoongi froze for a moment before slowly allowing his hands to wrap around the younger boy's waist, holding him lazily. "I'm sorry Kook." he mumbled, closing his eyes and burying his face in the crook of the younger's neck as he felt Jungkook's arms tighten around him.

"I know Hyung." Jungkook replied, pulling away and smiling softly. "I won't forgive the way you acted, but I do forgive what happened." He kept his arm wrapped around the hyungs shoulder, not ready to release him. "I can't blame you for how you felt at the time and I know you didn't mean what you said."

Yoongi nodded. "Thanks Kook. I'm really sorry about what I did." He shifted his gaze to the others behind him, focusing on Jin. "I'm still not comfortable talking to you." He narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I know." Jin agreed, shoving his hands into his pants pockets. "I can wait."

Yoongi nodded in response. He knew he would forgive his best friend eventually. It was just going to take some time. He knew Jin was a good man for Seo but the pain of their relationship still cut through his chest like a knife. It had barely been a day since he had stormed in on them in her apartment, seeing them together and learning about the pregnancy.


The baby.

Seo was carrying his child. The thought was baffling. They had discussed children before, both wanting to start a family after marriage, but that was when they were together. Neither had planned or prepared for it to happen this soon and definitely not in the situation they had found themselves in.

"Has anyone seen Tae?" Namjoon asked, looking around the group. "He's the one that dragged us all out here so late."

All the boys shrugged, some checking their phones before Hoseok nodded down the street. "There."

Taehyung skipped towards the others, a large smile planted on his face. "Hey guys!" He waved, stopping once he reached them. "I see you've already been making up." He motioned to Jungkook's arm slung over Yoongi.

Yoongi snarled, stepping away from the group and leaning up against a light post. Jungkook joined Jimin on the curb, resting his head on the older boy's shoulder as they waited for the conversation to continue.

"What's with that smirk on your face?" Hobi asked, pointing out Taehyung's excitement.

Namjoon nodded and tilted his head. "Yeah. After everything that happened yesterday, I thought you'd still be shaken up."

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