16. Yes Sir

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(Same night)

Jimin dropped his bag at the end of the hospital bed and slumped onto the mattress, letting out a deep sigh. He knew Jungkook was drunk, and they technically weren't together, but that didn't stop his heart from hurting at the sight of him with that girl.

"Chim?" Hoseok's groggy voice called out as he rolled over in the bed, eyes squinted as they searched for the younger boys face. "I thought you went home?"

Jimin felt his body give out as tears started pouring from his eyes, unable to hold back the pain. "Hyung." He sobbed, turning and reaching out for the older boy.

Hoseok quickly sat up and wrapped his arms around his trembling friend. "Chim, what happened?" He ran his fingers up and down Jimin's back, trying to comfort and soothe him.

Jimin buried his face into the others chest, trying to muffle out his sobs as he fought to compose himself. The image of Jungkook's lips on the girl replayed over and over in his mind, burning into his memory. "I can't go through this again." He gripped onto Hoseok's body tighter, as his mind began imagining the sinful things Jungkook was doing at this moment. Was he still with her? His imagination overtook him as he started to picture Jungkook on top of the girl, his bare back on display as he pumped himself into her.

Hoseok rested his hand on the back of Jimin's head, lightly scratching his scalp. "Can you tell me what's wrong Chim?" He asked again, trying to prompt the younger to speak.

Jimin took a deep wavered breath, trying to calm himself down. After finding his steady breath, he leaned out of the older boys arms and stared down at his hands. "C-can I stay h-here with you tonight?" He asked, his voice cracking as he forced the words out.

Hoseok nodded, running his hand through the younger boys hair. "Of course you can. But you need to tell me what got you so worked up."

Jimin wiped at the wetness on his cheeks, unable to look up at the boy before him. "J-jungkook slept with a g-girl tonight." He sniffled, wiping his nose with the back of his sleeve. "She was really p-p-pretty too." His voice hiccuped in his throat as he stifled back the urge to cry.

Hoseok's lips parted at Jimin's words. Only a few hours ago they had talked about how excited Jimin was to be with the youngest of their friend group. But now, he was crying over him.

Hoseok tightened his grip on Jimin and pulled their bodies down against the mattress. "I bet you're prettier Chim." Hobi whispered, his lips brushing the younger boys forehead before kissing it softly as he tried to cheer him up. "Have you talked to him yet?"

Jimin shook his head, tightening his grip around Hoseok's chest. "He was really drunk."

Hoseok nuzzled his head into Jimin's hair and closed his eyes, feeling the waves of sleep wash over him. "Do you plan on talking to him about it?"

Jimin took a deep breath, feeling his emotion start to calm. "I need to." He sniffled, swallowing back the lump in his throat. "Even if it's just to end things. I can't go through this pain again." His voices trailed off as he too grew tired.

Hobi nodded, unable to continue the conversation, his mind finally slipping into a dream state. Jimin cuddled further into his chest, thankful to not have to be alone tonight and falling into a slumber of his own.

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