6. Ladies First

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(Later that day)

Jungkook and Jimin stepped onto the railroad tracks, both boys looking around for a sign of the others.  They had received an ominous text from Taehyung demanding they meet up no more than a few minutes after they had left the apartment and like the good friends they were, they obliged. After driving across town and breaking into an 'off limits' area, they now wandered around, searching for their friends amongst the many abandoned box cars. 

Jungkook squinted his eyes as he looked between two stationary boxcars, hoping to find any sign of the others. "Where did they say they were?" He asks, looking over at Jimin who already had his phone in hand and was pulling up the text message.

Jimin suddenly held the phone to his ear and looked up at Jungkook as he waited for an answer. "Where the hell are you guys? We've been wandering around forever looking for you." He paused, waiting for a response before spinning around and looking down the tracks. "You assholes." He hung up the phone and pointed down the tracks where they had just walked from. "Tae says we passed them a few cars down." He shook his head and shoved his phone into his jeans pocket.

Jungkook followed carefully behind Jimin, his hand clutching the back of the olders jacket as he stepped along the boards of the tracks. "I vote ignoring them completely and going back to playing video games." He sighed, looking up to the back of the blonde curly head.

The older laughed. "Don't tempt me." He glanced over his shoulder and winked before noticing Jungkook's wide eyes. "What's wrong?" He asked, stopping and raising his eyebrows in concern.

Scratching the back of his head, Jungkook looked down at the pebbles below his feet. "Don't tease me like that." He bit the inside of his cheek as he looked down at the ground, the tip of his boot digging into the loose gravel.

Jimin gently slapped Jungkook's shoulder and smiled sincerely at him. "They would be more suspicious if I didn't openly flirt with you." He joked, his hand resting on Jungkook's biceps. "Don't worry so much. Your secret is safe with me." He moved his hand up to the younger boy's face, running his thumb over his bottom lip. "You're pouting is adorable."

"Hey losers!"

Both boys spun around to see Taehyung standing in the middle of the tracks a few yards down, waving his arms in the air to get their attention before breaking out into a small victory dance.

Jimin looked back at Jungkook and smirked. "Come on scaredy cat." He gripped the boy's sleeve pulling him along.

Jungkook bit his lip, his head twitching from the anxiety building in his chest. He hesitantly followed behind Jimin until they reached Taehyung who continued to wave his arms in the air until the oldest hit his chest.

Tae smiled his usual boxy grin, finally dropping his arms to his side. "You looked like lost puppies wandering around here." He teased, holding his stomach as he laughed. "It was so funny!"

In a swift movement, Jimin wrapped his arm around Tae's neck and pinned the taller boy against his chest in a headlock. "Tell me again how funny it was." He threatened as Tae fought against his arm, his laugh still erupting from his chest. "Come on, tell me TaeTae."

"Okay okay!" Tae tapped Jimin's arm, surrendering. Once Jimin loosened his grip, Tae jumped back and started running down the tracks. "Hurry up losers!"

Jimin took off running after him, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Jungkook was following. He smiled back at the younger boy, who suddenly picked up the pace and jogged beside him, their elbows brushing against each other.

Slowing down to a stop, Taehyung spun around to face the two others. His eyes bounced back and forth between them before looking back to a box car behind him and pointing to the ladder. "Ladies first."

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