22. Empty Apartments

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(Same night)

Taehyung pulled his backpack off his back, quickly unzipped the large pocket and pulled out his gaming controller. Without even knocking, he pushed open the front door of the apartment and froze, his eyes widening as a chair slammed against the mirror on the wall, shards of glass falling everywhere.

The teal haired man stumbled back, falling over and laughing as he clutched his abdomen. Across from him sat Jungkook against the sofa, his eyes dazed as he stared at the older boy, not even noticing Tae's appearance.

Yoongi suddenly climbed to his feet, stumbling towards the raven haired boy. "Come one Kook. Is that all you've got?" He gripped onto the younger boy's collar, practically falling into his lap.

Jungkook remained frozen, his eyes fixed on the broken shards of mirror on the ground.

Taehyung dropped his belongings by the door and quickly crossed the living room to the two boys. "What's going on?" He asked, forcefully removing Yoongi away from Jungkook.

Yoongi looked at Taehyung through bloodshot eyes, his drunken, bloody smile plastered on his face. "Kookie here was just teaching me a lesson, weren't you?" he yelled, wiping at his watering eyes.

The younger remained frozen.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around the teal haired boy and pulled him towards the staircase. "Come on Hyung. You're drunk. Let's get you cleaned up."

Yoongi draped his arm around the younger boy's shoulder, slumping with exhaustion as Taehyung attempted to help him climb the steps. Once at the top, they stumbled through the bathroom door, Taehyung clinging to the older boy as he almost fell out of his arms.

"What's wrong with you Hyung?" Taehyung asked, sitting him down against the bathtub and turning around to dampen a rag.

Yoongi looked down at his hands. He hadn't meant to react the way he did with Jungkook, but he let his rage get the best of him. "Seo's with Jin." He mumbled as Taehyung pressed the cold rag to his lip.

Tae froze, his eyes scanning over the older man. He knew Yoongi had a rage issue when he drank, but had never witnessed what he was like during one of his episodes. It scared him, seeing his father within his friend.

"So you took it out on his little brother?" Tae asked, sitting back on his feet.

Yoongi shook his head, looking up at the younger boy with tears in his eyes. "I didn't mean to." He sniffled, wiping his nose on his sleeve. "I was just so mad." He bit his lip, hissing at the pain that shot through the nerves. He looked down at his hands, noticing the scratches and dried blood on his skin. "Can you make sure Kook is okay?" he asked, looking up to the younger boy. "I said some pretty fucked up shit to him."

Tae nodded, handing him the rag and standing to his feet. "You going to be okay?" he asked, opening the door and standing in the frame.

Yoongi nodded, urging him to go.

Taehyung hurried back down the hall and stairs. "Hey Kook, you-"

He froze, noticing the boy was no longer sitting in front of the couch and the front door was wide open. He jogged through the first floor, searching all possible places the younger boy could be before pulling out his phone and dialing his number.

The sound of Tae's favorite rap song played through the room and he quickly followed the sound until he found the younger boy's phone sitting beside an open school book.

"Damn it." Taehyung grabbed the phone and jogged up the stairs, checking the rooms before stepping back to the bathroom he had left Yoongi in. "Jungkook took off." He held up the other phone and sat on the counter.

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