30. Breakfast

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(Same Night)

Yoongi stood in the hallway of his apartment, arms crossed over his chest as he stared at the spare bedroom he hadn't stepped foot in, in almost two weeks. He hadn't felt motivated or creative enough to even face the equipment on the other side of the door but, if he was planning on making more income, he needed to try.

Taking a deep breath, he turned the knob and stepped into the room. Sitting in the swivel chair, he removed the headphones from their stand and licked his lips staring at the computer on the desk along with the expensive equipment that had caused too many fights with Seo every time he bought something new.

He remembered the day he bought his first synthesizer, convinced he was going to become famous from the songs he had yet to create with it. After almost two years of pushing his work, he had finally found someone to buy his art. It was a rare occurrence when someone would take interest but the pay was always worth the wait.

Seo would always complain when he would spend hours in the spare room, lost in his creations to the point he wouldn't eat ro sleep. It became an unhealthy habit, driven by the desire to be successful. She had begged him to give up the dream on account of his health, scared he would drain himself to the point of death. There were even days she would have to drag him away and lock the door to keep him out.

But the moment he heard one of his beats on the radio and read the amazing feedback it was receiving, his drive to create grew even stronger. The label he had sold to hired him to create solely for their company, not wanting anyone else to get their hands on his work. Of course not every song was a success, some not even given a chance to be made better by the professional producers and those he held onto for the moment he could sell them elsewhere.

He hadn't successfully created anything in over a month, every attempt wasted when he scrapped it halfway through because it didn't turn out the way he was wanting. The company was growing impatient, asking for new submissions to pick through.

So here he sat.

Yoongi powered up the computer and rested the headphones over his ears, the feeling almost euphoric as it blocked out the rest of the world.

His music had always carried more of an upbeat style, a tune that made people want to dance and party. But today felt different. He couldn't think of a single beat that felt exciting, the only rhythm coming to him being more melodic and warm.

Pressing record on the computer, he placed his numb fingers over the keys of his keyboard that was set up beside him and closed his eyes, letting his heart create the tune. His face twinged every now and then when a note would sound out of place here and there but continued with the melody.

After a few minutes, he felt tears prick his eyes as the back of his throat twitched with emotion. This was a new feeling when it came to his music. He had never felt so connected to the sound, the tune practically writing it's own lyrics.

He sat back, replaying the beat he had created over and over until he felt the words start to roll off his tongue. It was as if everything he had experienced in the last few months came spewing out of him, almost as if he were reading the words out of his own personal journal.

He caught his voice quivering every now and then, ignoring the quibs and continuing firing the lyrics into the mic. At this point, he didn't care if the song turned out to be complete shit.

It was his shit.

It was his heart.

After hours muling over the computer, Yoongi looked down at his phone to see it was almost morning time. He had been so wrapped up in his creation, he hadn't realized how much time he really spent in the room. Leaning back in his chair, he pressed play on the song, closing his eyes and listened.

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