27. Dysfunctional Family

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*Abuse  Trigger Warning*

(Three days later)

Taehyung felt his body go numb as he hit the water, his skin stinging from the impact. He gasped, feeling his lungs fill with the icy water as he thrashed around, fighting to find the surface. His mind began racing as fear set in, feeling hopeless, the surface feeling nowhere in reach.

He started choking, his fingers grasping at his throat as the burn filled his chest. He could feel his eyes growing heavy as his body went limp, the oxygen running out in his lungs.

Just as he felt like giving up, the pressure around his throat released and he gasped again, coughing as he sat up in bed. He leaned over the side of the mattress, throwing up the water filling his lungs as he clutched his soaked shirt, fighting for breath.

Before he had a chance to collect his thoughts, a pair of hands wrapped around his throat again, shoving him back into the mattress. Taehyung kicked at his blankets, his eyes widening as they fell over his father's furious face staring down at him.

"You think you're better than me?" His father screamed, spit flying from his mouth and landing on Taehyung's face.

Tae grasped at his father's hands, desperate to break free, tears spilling over his eyes. He couldn't respond, his throat feeling crushed and constricted. He gasped again, trashing his head from side to side in an attempt to respond in some way.

"I'll kill you!" his father shouted, his face so close Tae could practically taste the alcohol on his breath. "If you ever disrespect me again, I'll fucking kill you." The older man released his hold, staggering back and out of the room.

Taehyung clutched his side, gasping as the tears streamed down his cheeks. He could feel the dampness on his mattress, knowing that his father had dumped water on him, a reoccurring morning wake up call.

Feeling his pulse slow back to normal, Tae sat up, closing his eyes and taking a few deep breaths. He couldn't take this treatment anymore. Sobbing, he wrapped his arms around his stomach, dropping his head and allowing the tears to fall.

"Tae baby?" Came his mother's soft cracked voice from his doorway.

Taehyung looked up, his red cheeks puffy as he found his mother's small frame through his blurry vision. "Mom I-" He fell silent, his sobs so strong they barely made a sound.

She quickly crossed the room, wrapping her arms around him and cradling his head against her chest. "I'm so sorry." She cried against him, kissing the top of his hair.

He clutched onto her arms, choking back tears. "Let's leave." He pleaded, gripping her tighter. "Let's get out of here, away from him."

Running her fingers through his hair, she kept her lips pressed against his forehead. "I can't, baby. I just can't."

Taehyung pulled from her arms and looked up at her. "Why not? We could leave in the middle of the night and never come back." His voice was desperate. "He's getting worse every day."

She shook her head. "If I leave he will just come after me." She swallowed hard, wiping the dampness off his cheeks. "You should go. He won't come for you."

Taehyung shook his head. "I'm not leaving you here with him."

She pulled him against her body again, hugging him close. "I'm so scared." She mumbled, finally showing her vulnerability.

Taehyung held his mother close, never wanting to let her go. "I won't ever let him hurt you." He promised. "I can take the pain as long as he doesn't touch out."

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