37. Rumors

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(Later that night)

Taehyung looked around his group of friends, smiling at how each one stared at the movie being projected on the wall, knowing none of them were actually interested in the old film. Yoongi focused on the lighter in his hand, flicking the spark on and off as Jungkook's head rested along his other thigh, practically sound asleep. The others continued to watch the overly dramatized scene unfold, pretended to care, not wanting to hurt Tae's feelings for suggesting the idea. But it was obvious they were over the classic story.

Reaching forward to where his phone sat on a crate box, Tae turned down the volume, suddenly catching everyone's attention.

Each boy turned to face him, confusion evident on their face at the sudden silence.

Tae quickly looked away, gripping tightly onto the end of his shirt and rolling it in his hands nervously. He couldn't look at them directly, his smile faltering as he pieced together all the words he wanted to say.

"What's going on Tae?" Namjoon asked, sitting up and completely turning to face the younger boy. He had sensed something had been bothering him throughout the night and now the expression Tae wore made it all the more obvious. The kid was never good at hiding his emotions.

Taking a deep breath, Tae repeated the words in his head over and over before licking his lips and clearing his throat. "I'm going to move out tomorrow." He exhaled, feeling his entire body start to shake as the words left his lips.

He had said that phrase too many times in his life, failing each attempt to actually follow through with the plans. But even so, he knew this was it. This was the true moment he would actually go through with leaving the hell pit he had suffered through his whole life.

Jimin instantly wrapped his arms around Taehyung, smiling gently as he brushed away the fallen strands covering the younger boy's forehead. "What do you need from us TaeTae?" He asked, his fingers trailing over the younger's face soothingly as he wiped away the stray tears. "How can we help you?"

"I-I don't know." Tae closed his eyes trying to calm down his emotions. He hadn't really put much thought into the plan. None actually. All he knew was that he was going to get out of there. He had to. "I haven't really t-thought of anything."

"You need to have some type of plan." Hoseok responded, shoving his fists into his pockets. "Where are you going to stay?" He asked.

Taehyung shrugged, his eyes still focused on the ground as they filled with more tears. He hadn't realized how unprepared he actually was, the idea seeming more idiotic as the seconds passed. Maybe he wasn't ready to move out. Maybe he would never be free from his father.

"I know it's not much but my couch is always open." Namjoon commented, reaching over Jimin in order to rub the younger boys back. "At least until we find something more permanent."

"Same." Yoongi replied sleepily as he rested his head against the back of the chair. "My place has been really quiet lately. I wouldn't mind having company. You're more than welcome to crash with me once you've had enough of that idiot."

Taehyung chuckled, sniffing and wiping at his face, the comment lightening up the overwhelming moment.

"Actually," Jin leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he stared at the fire in front of them. "Seo and I have been discussing getting our own place soon. I'm sure Kook wouldn't mind you taking my room once I move out, if you want."

Jungkook sat up and nodded frantically at the offer, looking from his brother to his best friend with excitement in his eyes. "We can stay up late playing video games and eating food." He exclaimed, his lips parted slightly.

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