44. Loss

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Please note this chapter was created with the help of a very emotional and personal experience I myself went through a few years back. Please be respectful with your comments.


(Same Night)

Yoongi slammed his hand against the automatic glass doors, cursing aloud for how slow they were opening. He did not have the mental capacity to be easy with anything in this moment, adrenaline racing through his entire body as he pushed his way through.

Not even waiting to see if Jin was by his side, Yoongi approached the front desk, startling the girls working by his sudden appearance and exasperated eyes.

"Where the fuck is Seo." He asked, not caring that the two girls seemed a little frightened by his outburst.

Feeling a large hand grip his shoulder, Yoongi looked up to see Jin towering over him, his eyes narrowed in on the woman. "Lee Seo-Hyeon. We are her emergency contacts." He reaffirmed in a calmer yet stern tone. It was obvious he was the more level headed one of the two frustrated and concerned boys.

"Oh." One of the girls jumped up, reaching for a file off to the side of the desk. "Please follow me." she smiled, bowing slightly before stepping away from the desk.

Both boys followed behind the small girl as she led them to a room off the side of the waiting area.

"Please take a seat." She directed, pointing to the two chairs against the wall.

"I don't want to take a seat." Yoongi remarked, folding his arms over his chest. "I want to see Seo. Why the fuck is she even here?"

The young woman nodded her head in acknowledgement to his frustrations, looking down at the paperwork in her hands. "Miss. Lee is currently resting. I promise the moment I have informed you of her condition and gone over important details, I will take you to her."

"Her condition?" Jin questioned, taking a seat instantly and looking up at the nurse. "What's wrong with her? What happened?"

Yoongi hesitated for a moment, eyeing the nurse with a scowl before also taking a seat in the chair beside his best friend. He kept his hands pinned under his thighs, afraid he may react with anger if she said anything to upset him. He had never hit a girl before, but anything was possible when it came to Seo.

After seeing that both boys had calmed down, the nurse opened the chart and began looking over the file. "Miss Lee suffered from a first term miscarriage. While this is very common during first pregnancies, it is still a difficult burden to overcome..."

Both boys casted their eyes to the ground, the words the nurse spoke dissolving into nothing more than background noise. They didn't hear when the nurse explained the facts and science behind the exact happenings of the loss nor the statistics based around how common the misfortune actually was. It was as if time had completely stopped, a numbness caressing the hurt and confusion as the words drowned out.

Yoongi couldn't see past the black void as he mindlessly followed the nurse down the hall, Jin leading him by the shoulders as he too seemed lost in thought. There were no words in existence to explain his emotions in that moment. All he could imagine was what Seo must be feeling.

Was she okay? Of course she wasn't okay. How could she be okay after losing their child, a being she was physically carrying. She was a strong girl but there was no telling what state of mind she was in after this heartbreak.

When they finally reached the room that housed the girl he had been so worried about, his heart broke all over again.

She sat on the hospital bed, a thin blanket wrapped around her small frame, her hair a knotted mess around her tearstained face. She wore her typical pajama top but where her plaid bottoms would usually hug her legs were cream colored pants, most likely given to her after she arrived by the nurses. Her empty eyes were locked on the mattress, showing no reaction to their arrival as they entered the room.

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