3. Please stay

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(The next morning)

Jungkook stared at the ceiling, his mind spinning from the events that had taken place the night before. He felt his heart race as the weight pinning down his left arm suddenly shifted, drawing his attention the blond nuzzled up against his side. 

Taking a wavered breath, Jungkook allowed his eyes to study the sleeping boy's face, his cheeks squished together like mochi as he rested his head on Jungkook's chest and plump lips parted slightly. Somehow during their inebriated sleep, Jimin had managed to entangle his legs with Jungkook's, his knee resting dangerously over the younger's thighs.

Feeling a sense of intrigue cloud his judgement, Jungkook reached out and brushed away the loose bangs that had fallen into the sleeping boys eyes. Temptation arose in his chest as the soft hair combed through his fingers, making him want to repeat the action once again.

Before he could make the mistake, Jimin shifted within his grasp causing Jungkook to instantly retract his hand, his eyes focusing back on the ceiling as if he had never moved.

"What time is it?" Jimin's voice was groggy as he rolled onto his back, his head still in the crook of Jungkook's arm.

The younger quickly looked over at Jimin, his mind racing with a million questions. Has he been awake this entire time, he wondered to himself, clenching the fingers as embarrassment burned his features. 

"I don't know." He replied, trying to keep his breathing even.

Not only had they shared a bed, which was already a weird thing to do with someone still considered a stranger, but they had cuddled. Out of all the times he had shared a bed with someone, never had they ended up in the situation he was in now, even with Taehyung being as clingy as he was when sleeping.

Jimin pulled himself from the mattress and sat up, scratching the back of his head as he looked around the now bright room. "Your bed is comfy." He stretched his arms up and groaned. "I slept like a baby."

Jungkook pulled his tingly hand against his chest and slowly sat up, looking over at Jimin. Although his arm felt like a thousand needles were stabbing at his skin, the younger smirked as he massaged his shoulder. "I can't feel my fingers." He remarked, clenched his hand in an attempt to get his blood flowing again.

Jimin giggled as he stood to his feet and stretched his arms up, his lower back now exposed as his shirt lifted. "You made a good pillow though. Best sleep I've got in a long time." He ran his fingers through his hair and chuckled as his eyes fell over the half naked boy still in the bed.

Following Jimin's eyes down to his own chest, Jungkook felt his cheeks flame as he realized his inappropriate appearance. Attempting to cover himself with his hands, he jumped off the bed and opened the closet, grabbing the first shirt he saw and pulling it over his head. Idiot, he thought as he pulled the shirt down over his abdomen, making sure to clasp his jeans the second he noticed the exposure. Feeling defeated, the brunette rested his head against the closet door, wishing he could disappear in that moment. 

"Do you have a hangover? You got pretty wasted last night." Jimin asked, changing the subject for the embarrassed boy.

Jungkook shook his head. The only thing making him sick was the overwhelming nerves he felt towards the idiotic way he had acted while intoxicated. Of course Jimin was handsome, anyone could see that. Jungkook had grown up around handsome men so this should be nothing new. Yet, for some reason, everything felt different. And his inebriated state of mind had made things far more worse.

Clearing his throat, Jungkook pushed off the wall and stepped around Jimin. "Jin most likely has breakfast ready." He replied, avoiding the question entirely and quickly escaping the room.

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