34. Truth Hurts

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(The Next Day)

Namjoon looked at himself in the mirror, eyes fixated on his hair as he tried to get it to cooperate in the style he wanted but unfortunately, the front of his hair kept flopping forward and into his eyes. Groaning with frustration, he moved from the bathroom and picked up his beanie off the dresser, pulling it on to hide the difficult hair.

Placing his hands on his hips, he looked around the studio apartment he had switched with Hobi, admiring the now bright room he had set up the way he preferred. It was almost difficult to believe the small space had once been so dark and gloomy. Although it wasn't perfect and nowhere near as nice as Jimins, he still loved it. It was his space all to himself.

Stepping towards the living room, he fixed the blanket on the back of the couch, hoping his space appeared welcoming, not wanting to scare away visitors. Even though it was a piece of crap, he still wanted it to look decent, as nice as he could make it.

The doorbell chimed, signaling that his awaited guest had finally arrived. Jogging across the room, he smiled and pulled open the door. On the other side stood Nabi, her hair curled and draping over one shoulder, her face painted ever so slightly to accentuate her features. Namjoon took a step back, admiring the adorable grey dress she had chosen to wear for their date. He took note that she had been listening to his compliments, accentuating her curves more tonight than she usually did.

"You look stunning." Namjoon praised, wrapping his arm around her waist and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

Nabi giggled and pressed her hands against his chest, pulling herself from his hold. "Thank you." She brushed her hair behind her ear, her cheeks blushing from his compliment.

Taking a step back, Namjoon welcomed her into his apartment, his eyes focusing on her backside as she entered. "Food will be delivered in a few minutes. I hope you're in the mood for Chinese."

Nabi nodded and smiled over her shoulder at him as he shut the door. "It's like you read my mind." She turned back to the apartment, looking around the small studio. "You have a cute place. I was not expecting it to be this clean." She joked, giggling as his arms snaked around her waist from behind and he buried his face in the crook of her neck.

"And I was not expecting you to look so delicious tonight." He whispered along her neck, pressing his lips gently against her skin. "I'm not hungry for food anymore."

Resting her arms on top of his on her stomach, Nabi giggled again, his lips tickling her skin as he nipped against her neck. "You're being very impatient sir." She joked, turning her head to look at him.

Namjoon pressed his lips against her jaw before closing the distance between their lips, kissing her softly. "I can't help it." He whispered against her skin, kissing her once again. "You taste so good."

She raised her hand to his cheek, pulling him closer to her lips as they moved together, his tongue dipping into her warmth ever so gently. His arms around her waist tightened, pressing her ass against his hips, eliciting a deep groan from his chest. He could think of nothing more than taking her right then and there.

A loud knock came from the door but Namjoon ignored it, his hand instead trailing over Nabi's hip and down her thigh. He desperately wanted to remove the tight dress covering her body the moment his fingers grazed against her skin, chills running over his body.

"Namjoon." Nabi moaned, pulling her lips away from his and resting her head against his shoulder. "The food is here." She breathed out, feeling his fingers lift the hem of her dress, trailing further up her thigh. When he ignored her and connected his lips to her neck, she giggled, fighting to free herself from his grasp. "Namjoon, the food."

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