35. Hope

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(The Next Day)

The guys all laid sprawled out on the living room floor of Jimin's apartment, no one making a sound as they enjoyed the peaceful city noise below. They had all somehow drifted over the blondes home, welcoming themselves in without a word and taking their place on the carpet. It was as if someone had sent out the bat signal, inviting them to a secret hangout.

Namjoon was the last to arrive, immediately stripping off his blazer and unbuttoning the top buttons of his dress shirt. Lifting Jimin's legs off the sofa, he took a seat on the cushion, allowing his cousin's feet to drape over his thighs. Resting his head on the back of the cushion, he let out a deep sigh, feeling his body finally relax.

He had spent the entire day going from one place to another, filling out paperwork for a background check and even getting drug tested, all in preparation for his new job.  It was moments like this he wished he had a car so he wasn't forced to walk everywhere. But it was nice. The trip back and forth across town gave him a lot of time to think.

Seeing that everyone in their friend group had arrived, Hoseok sat up, leaning on his palms as he looked around the silent room. He had been thinking about overcoming something he fought with for a while now and hoped his friends would be up to helping him. The only struggle was admitting to himself that this was something he really wanted to do.

Taking a deep breath, he chose to take the plunge. "I want to go visit my mom." He spoke, his words barely a whisper.

Each boy in the room slowly turned their attention to their friend, each taking in his words carefully.

"Are you sure?" Jimin asked, turning on his side and propping himself up on his elbow.

Hoseok nodded, looking down at his hands that trembled in his lap. "I don't want to resent her anymore." He quivered, clenching his fists tightly to halt their involuntary movement. After all this time, he still couldn't bring himself to forgive her for leaving him more times than he could count.

"Are you ready for that?" Yoongi asked the question no one else had the heart to voice. "Could the memories trigger a relapse?"

Hobi nodded. "That's why I want you guys to come with me. I think having you there will make it easier."

"When are you thinking of going?" Namjoon asked, resting his cheek on his knuckles. He was absolutely exhausted from running around town and had hoped to take a nap before having to do it again the following day.

"Now?" Hoseok replied, a light chuckle escaping his chest. "Before I change my mind."

Jungkook was the first to move from his spot, stretching his arms up and yawning. "Let's get going then, before you pussy out."

Jimin reached out, smacking the younger boys backside, scolding him for being so insensitive about the situation. Jungkook just smirked down at the blonde, shoving his hands into his pockets and facing the others.

Standing, Hobi joined the youngest boy's side, draping his arm around him and pressing his lips into a tight line. "No he's right. If I keep thinking about it, I'll back out."

Jungkook playfully stuck his tongue out at the blonde. Jimin scoffed and reached his hand out, asking for help in sitting up. Raising his eyebrows, the younger bit his bottom lip and turned away, ignoring his request for help and walking towards the front door of the apartment.

"Are you okay if I miss out on this?" Yoongi asked, scratching the back of his head. "I have to be at the company in a half an hour to present a new track and can't risk them firing me if I keep failing to give them something."

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