2. Promise?

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(Later that night)

Yoongi stepped out onto the street,  patting down his coat pockets until he felt the familiar box he was searching for. He reached into the pocket and pulled out the cigarettes, placed one between his lips and lit the end. Inhaling a long drag, Yoongi dropped his arm to his side, flicking away the burning tip as he stared up at the stars that lit up the night sky.

The sudden vibration in his pants pocket pulled his attention away from the sky as he placed the cigarette between his lips once again and struggled to get his phone from his pocket. Seeing the name on the screen shocked him, forcing a sudden inhale followed by a cough as the smoke filled his lungs. Yoongi pulled the cigarette from his lips and waited for the coughing to finish before answering the call.

"Hey babe." He waited, desperate for her voice to come through the line.

"What are you doing?" Her voice was soft, almost sleepy. Yoongi loved the way she sounded when she called him this late, knowing she was already curled up under the covers and warm.

He smiled down at the damp sidewalk, kicking a small pebble as a way to distract his racing heart. "Just hanging out at a friend's house." He exhaled as relief settle in his chest. "I'm happy to hear your voice."

"What friends?" She asked suddenly, her voice more awake then it was before.

Yoongi looked up at the building across the street as the post lights flickered. "My friend Namjoon is back in town and we threw him a welcome back party with Jin some of the guys from high school." She remained silent on the other end, causing Yoongi to double check the call was still connected. Seeing she was still on the line, he took a drag of the cigarette and exhaled the smoke into the night sky. "What are you doing?" He asked, leaning against the apartment building.

"Lying on the couch." Her voice was almost a whisper. "Watching a movie."

Yoongi closed his eyes and tried to imagine the sight. In his mind, she wore his favorite black and pink pajamas, her hair in a messy bun on top of her head and large glasses positioned at the base of her nose, causing her to reposition them every few seconds. They had met almost three years ago, and every time he saw her, even in his imagination, he couldn't help but feel excited. She was the only girl he had ever met that made him feel like he wasn't crazy. 

"Can I come home?" He asked, wanting to be as close as he could to her. 

He had stayed the night at Jin's twice now and the thought of being without her beside him for another sleep deprived night was torturous. 

She sighed through the phone. "I don't know Yoongi."

Yoongi bit his bottom lip and looked down, flicking the cigarette and watching the ash hit the damp ground before bringing it back up to his lips. He took a long drag and blew the smoke up to the sky. "I fucking miss you." He said softly, trying to contain his emotions out of respect for her own.

"I miss you too, but I don't know if I can forgive you yet."

"How many times do I have to apologize?" He questioned, gripping the phone tightly as he felt his words come out harsher than he had intended.

"I don't need you to keep apologizing Yoongi. I just need to trust you again." Yoongi took another long drag, her words stabbing him in the gut. "Are you," She paused, her voice rising. "Are you seriously smoking right now?"

Yoongi froze and looked down at the burning cigarette realizing he hadn't been careful with how loud he was. He licked his lips and dropped the cigarette in a small rain puddle on the concrete. "I was stressed out." He replied, scratching his head.

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