18. Like Hell He Is

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(Later that day)

Hoseok looked around the field of the park, his eyes squinting through the brightness of the sun reflecting off the green grass. It had been a while since he had really seen the sun, usually working the noc shift and sleeping during the day. When he was outside, his mind had been so deluded with drugs he hadn't noticed the light.

With a clean mind and system, the warmth felt nice against his skin. Refreshing from the darkness he had been trapped in for so long.

Jimin draped his arm over Hoseok's shoulder, noticing the content look on his face. "Feels nice, right?" He asked, taking in a deep breath of fresh air.

Hoseok closed his eyes, a smile creeping onto his face. "Feels amazing." He replied, opening his eyes to admire the sky.

"I vote sunshine to be Hobi's new drug." Yoongi commented, dropping onto the grass and draping his arm behind his head as he laid back.

"I second that." Namjoon chuckled, looking up at Hoseok. "It looks better on you."

Hoseok looked at his friends, smiling. "Thanks guys."

Jimin squeezed his friend's arm before stepping away and clapping his hands together. "Well, since everyone is here,"

"Kooks not here." Tae spoke up, interrupting Jimin's sentence. "Has anyone heard from him since he left the restaurant?"

Yoongi sat up as everyone looked amongst each other. "Speaking of golden boy." His monotone voice spoke, pointing across the field as Jungkook crossed the grass, his head low.

The youngest member's face was clear, showing he had used the makeup Jimin left with him. With hands shoved into his pants pockets, he stood beside his brother, not making eye contact with any of the members.

"Where did you disappear to?" Jin asked, draping his arm over the younger boys shoulders.

"I can't stay. I just wanted to come see how Hyung was doing." He finally looked up, his eyes finding Hoseok.

A bundle of emotions filled Hobi at the sight of the younger boys appearance. A part of him wanted to give the kid a piece of his mind for making Jimin such an emotional wreck. But another part of him could see he was hurting just as much.

Before responding, Hobi looked to Jimin who now awkwardly stared at the ground, his hands held behind his back. Jimin had been unsettlingly quiet about what had happened before picking him up from the hospital, but it was obvious the two boys had already talked. And the outcome wasn't positive.

"I'm good Kook." Hoseok replied, pulling his eyes back to the younger. "What about you?" He narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, making it known he knew what was going on.

Jungkook's  eyes widened, quickly scanning over the other boys before falling back to Hobi. Jimins words played over in his mind. Confused straight fuck boy. Confused straight fuck boy. Confused straight fuck boy.         

He nervously pulled his sweater over his hands, gripping onto the material as he swallowed hard, his words trapped in his throat. "I-I have a crush on Jimin-Hyung." His eyes shot to the ground, unable to face the others. "I fucked everything up last night out of jealousy and fear of being hurt myself, and I'm so sorry." His eyes slowly found Jimin, who was already watching him with tearful eyes. "I'm so sorry Jimin."

Jungkook sniffled back a tear, quickly turning from the group and walking away.

Jimin watched the younger leave before pulling his teary eyes away and back to the group. He wanted desperately to forgive the younger, but knew he couldn't allow himself to cave. He needed to respect himself more.

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