41. Drive

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(Later that night)

Taehyung sat with his legs crossed in the bed of the truck with a blanket wrapped tightly around his shivering body. His damp clothes, which now hung over the side of the truck to dry, were replaced with a random sweater and sweats Jin had thankfully had in the back seat, keeping him dry after idiotically jumping into the ice cold water.

Watching the group of boys sit in a circle on the pavement playing an intense round of murder, he laughed along with them as they once again killed off Jimin for the fourth time in a row. Although it was late into the night, they continued to spend the time together, enjoying the fun even if it was filled with accusations, bickering and comedic insults.

"Why do you keep killing me?" Jimin shouted into the night sky, jumping to his feet defensively. "And why has no one caught on and saved me? Do you all have some type of allegiance against me?" He then shifted his anger to Jungkook, who looked away the very instant their eyes connected.

"Stop being such a whiny baby and admit defeat." Namjoon joked, a laugh erupting from his chest the moment he caught sight of Yoongi tackling Hoseok to the ground.

Frustrated by his traitorous friends, the blonde puffed out his cheeks, storming away from the arguing group to the truck.

"Can you make me the murderer next round?" He whispered, hopping into the bed of the truck beside his best friend, watching as the others continued to argue even though the round was over. "I need to enact my revenge." An evil smile found its way to his lips as he scanned the group with darkened eyes.

"I feel like no matter what role you get, you're going to lose." Tae chuckled, burying his face into the blanket to sooth his icy cheeks.

"Fuck you too, Kim." Jimin laughed, shoving the boy's shoulder. "It's getting pretty late. When are you going to go get your things?"

Taehyung puckered his lips, contemplating the question. The sun had set a long time ago, their main source of light primarily coming from the truck headlights. If he left now, it would be harder to maneuver through the dark to collect his belongings.

His father was no doubt still awake, angry and cursing the boy for disappearing for so long without even dropping off a care package of beer. Not that it mattered. The old man had his ways of getting drunk which would only make his temper worse since he would have had to work for it.

No. He needed to make sure he had the advantage if he was going to follow through with his plans. Going tonight would be idiotic.

"I'm going to wait till tomorrow." Tae said, shrugging his shoulders.

"You can't keep putting it off Tae." Jimin warned, rubbing his hands together for warmth. "The more you put it off the least likely you are to do it."

"I know." Tae nodded, looking from the rowdy group to his best friend, a genuine smile appearing on his lips. "I'm doing this. Nothing is stopping me from getting out of there. I just want to remember today as a happy one. I don't want to let him ruin this for me."

Jimin understood, patting the younger boys back soothingly. "Good. I'll be working a few blocks away if you need me."

"Thanks Chim."

"Hyung!" Jungkook called out, looking over at the two boys in the truck. "Can you grab my phone off the charger?"

Taehyung attempted to move, hissing the moment cold air found its way below the fluffy material.

"I got it." Jimin laughed, hopping out of the bed of the truck and circling around to the front.

Pulling open the passenger door, he reached across the seat to the phone plugged in and freed it from the cord. As he did so, the screen lit up, catching his attention to an unread message as he closed the door and headed back to the group.

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