5. Not Yet

448 40 47

(Same day)

Taehyung jogged across the busy street, carefully avoiding the oncoming cars and stepped onto the sidewalk, the auto shop finally coming into view. He had promised to meet Namjoon at seven but was running behind after his own work shift a few blocks away. He quickly approached the pumps and frowned, seeing someone else in his friend's place.

He approached the stranger and dropped his hood onto his shoulders. "Did Namjoon already leave? I'm supposed to meet up with him." He asked, shaking his hair free so it fell over his forehead.

The younger boy shook his head no and motioned to the shop behind them. "He was assisting someone inside a minute ago."

Taehyung smiled and nodded his head with respect. "Thanks." He stepped around the pump and headed to the small store. "Joon?" He called out as he opened the door and peered inside the empty shop. Tae looked towards the counter, peeking over the top when the sound of something falling towards the back of the store caught his attention. "Come on Joon. Stop trying to scare me. It's not funny." He called out, looking over the tops of the isles in hopes to find the sneaky older boy. He exhaled and opened the small fridge beside him, pulling out a coke and popping the top. "I'm stealing a soda." He shouted out, pouring some of the drink into his mouth.

Still trying to locate his friend, Tae pushed off the counter and walked down the aisle towards the storage room, picking up a bag of gummy bears on his way and taking another sip of his soda. He ripped open the bag and took a bite as he reached the back of the store and peered into the window of the storage door, his eyes widening with horror.

A pair of small arms wrapped around Namjoons shoulders, one of the hands digging into his back as the other twisted in his pink hair. His arms supported two legs, which wrapped around his back, a pair of black heals bouncing as he thrusted against the storeroom shelves. His head tilted up as a loud moan erupted from his chest, his thrusts becoming stronger.

Taehyung quickly turned from the door and raced out of the shop, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"I think we've been caught."

Namjoon looked over his shoulder to see someone disappearing around an aisle and out of view. He bit his lip and looked back at the woman in his grasp, dropping his arms and allowing her feet to touch the ground again. "Turn around." He said dryly, panting through his words as a bead of sweat traveled down his temple.

The woman smirked and raised an eyebrow. "You're still going?"

Grabbing hold of her hips, he spun her around and forced her against the shelf, positioning himself behind her. "You think that's going to stop me from finishing?" He let out a breathy laugh as he slid himself back inside her warm center, one of his hands trailing up to her back and forcing her to bend over. Once she had found her balance, his hand traveled back to her hips as he began to thrust once again.

Tae leaned against the shop window, his hands shoved into his sweater pockets, cheeks still burning from the moment he had interrupted. The door to the shop jingled, bringing his attention to Namjoon and an older woman stepping out, both dressed and appearing as if nothing had happened. Namjoon wrapped his arm around the woman's waist, kissing her cheek before sending her off.

"Who was that?" Tae asked, watching as the woman climbed into her expensive car and drove away.

Namjoon scratched the back of his head and bit his lip. "I honestly don't remember her name." He looked back at Tae and smiled. "Enjoy the show?" He mocked, covering his mouth as he laughed out loud.

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