20. 'Hard' Conversations

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(One week later)

Taehyung pushed the empty storage cart through the isles of the empty convenience store, thankful he was able to complete his shift tasks even though he was still hungover. Entering the storage room, he passed the restock shelves until he reached the very back, startled to find another person already there.

His eyes scanned over the blonde as she set her purse in a locker before glancing over her shoulder and smiling at him.

"Hey handsome." She reached inside the locker, pulling out her work shirt and draping it over the metal door.

Tae quickly placed the storage cart against the wall and turned back to Wren, a smile beaming on his face. "I thought you were off today?" He asked, shoving his hands into his pockets, his cheeks burning as the memory of their last encounter entered his mind. They hadn't seen eachother since he left her apartment, and suddenly felt self conscious.

"Bam had a family emergency and asked me to cover his shift." She licked her lips, scanning her eyes over his body. "I'm glad I said yes."

She suddenly lifted her shirt over her head, exposing herself as she tossed the material into the locker and picked up her work shirt from the locker.

Taehyung spun around, his eyes wide at the sight of her practically exposed chest. Thankfully, he had only caught a glimpse, but it was enough to excite the member between his legs. Before he could think of his actions, he quickly moved from the storage room and back into the store wanting to give her some privacy.

He jogged to the cash counter and sat on the stool, crossing his legs in an attempt to hide the growing problem in his pants. The bells on the door chimed, and a familiar face entering and smiling as their eyes met.

"What are you doing here?" Tae asked, looking up at the pink haired boy.

Namjoon leaned against the counter, smiling at the younger boy. "Am I not allowed to visit my little brother at his work?" He asked, picking up a pack of gum from the display and studying it before tossing it onto the counter.

Taehyung smiled at the nickname. He had always seen Namjoon as his older brother, and to hear the feeling was mutual filled his heart with warmth. After everything he had been through in his life, it was comforting knowing he had someone looking out for him in a way he always wished he had.

"I didn't mean it like that." Taehyung corrected, scanning the pack of gum into the register. "I thought you would be helping Hoseok and Jimin move everything."

Namjoon pulled his wallet from his pocket and rifled through the money. "I'm headed that way now but wanted to check in on you first."

Taehyung smiled up at the older boy, reaching out and taking the bill from him. "I feel like shit, but I'm good."

"Hey Handsome, can you--" Wren froze as she approached noticing the pink haired man at the counter. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know there was a customer." She stepped behind the register and reached under the counter pulling out a clipboard labeled 'shift tasks'.

Namjoon raised his eyebrow, licking his lips as he scanned over the blonde before looking back to Taehyung. Handsome? He thought to himself, questioning the relationship between the two. "I'm actually one of Tae's best friends, Namjoon." He replied, smiling towards the blonde girl.

Wren smiled up at him, holding the clipboard against her chest. "Nice to meet you Namjoon. I'm Wren." She glanced back down, running her fingers over the bullet points on the paper.

Taking his chance while she was distracted, Namjoon looked to Taehyung lifting his fist to his mouth and using his tongue to poke the inside, silently asking if she was blowjob girl.

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