JiKook Bonus Chapter

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There is a specific JiKook moment in this book that keeps playing on repeat in my mind... since I write in order, I won't be able to write that scene for a long time. SO! To help with my JiKook itch, I chose to write out this fun bonus chapter for myself and all my other JiKook supporters. I've always wanted to write a text book, so this also helping that itch...
Maybe I'll write one soon?

The following conversations take place during the two weeks period after Jungkook and Yoongi had their fight and before Jimin went down on JK...



(The morning after Jimin found Jungkook wandering the streets after fighting with Yoongi)

Thank you for giving me a ride home...
And for taking care of me last night
I'm sorry I caused so much trouble
for everyone
Jin just lectured me for the last hour
I had no idea everyone was so worried

Don't thank me Kook
I'm more than happy to help you
through all this
You need all the support you can get

Thank you Hyung...
I'm just so embarrassed

You shouldn't be
Just promise me that the next time
you feel scared or alone, you'll call me
I'll drop whatever I'm doing to be
there for you

Really? 🥺
What about now?

It's only been an hour since you
last saw me...
Missing me already?

I know your busy
I shouldn't have asked..
It's just...
Tae wants to get the whole group
together tonight and I don't know
if I'm ready for that....

I'm on my way
Get dressed
We're going to go to the gym and
take your mind off all this
And then afterwards we can talk about
whether or not we're going tonight

You can still go if you want!
I don't want to stop you from
having fun

I won't have fun unless you're there
I might end up strangling Yoongi
if I go by myself

Oh... Okay!
Thank you Hyung!
That really means a lot!

You're welcome
Now shut up and get ready
I'll be there in five minutes

JIMIN:You're welcome Now shut up and get readyI'll be there in five minutes

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