19. Traffic

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(Later that night)

"All I'm saying is the plot of the movie was too predictable. Anyone could have guessed the bitch with boobs was the bad guy." Namjoon rambled from the back seat.

"You are literally the only person in that theater who predicted that!" Yoongi shouted from beside him, his fingers clenched around the almost empty beer bottle in his hand.

"I thought it was the waiter. That guy was too creepy to not be a bad guy." Hoseok added in, looking over his shoulder at the two in the back seat.

Jin laughed from the driver's seat as he drove through the empty tunnel. "Maybe they'll give him his own spin off movie."

"If they do, remind me to not invite this ass hole." Yoongi spat, leaning forward in between the two front seats, trying to block out and ignore the pink haired boy beside him.

Namjoon chuckled, pushed the smurfs shoulder. "Don't be a sore loser." He took a drink of his beer and looked around the outside surroundings of the car. "Wait Jin." He shouted, hitting the driver's shoulder. "Stop the car."

Jin smiled and shook his head, slightly amused by the childlike behavior of his friends. Not a whole lot had changed since their school days, and he knew exactly what Namjoon wanted to do.

Jimins head rested on Jungkook's arm, his body slightly twisted towards the younger boy in an attempt to be closer to him. Taehyung laid on the other side of Jungkook, his head rested on his own arms as the three boys watched the tunnel lights pass above them.

Jungkook pulled his arm out from under Jimin and sat up as he felt the car turn and come to a slow stop. "What's going on?" He questioned, watching as his older brother used the car to block off both lanes.

Jimin sat up beside him with a smirk. "Idiots." He whispered, leaning against the metal wall of the truck bed frame. "They are going to get us all arrested." He shook his head and watched as three of the older boys climbed out of the truck.

Tae perked up, his eyes wide at Jimin's comment. "I'm too pretty to go back to jail." He whimpered, pouting as he shoveled popcorn into his mouth.

Jimin slapped the younger boy's chest, laughing. "Don't be so dramatic. You and Joon were only cuffed." He mocked, referring to the story he had heard of their vandalization mishap.

Taehyung pouted his lip, looking down at the food in his hands. "Still counts."

Jungkook chuckled and climbed to the top of the truck, watching as Yoongi and Hobi walked to the wall of the tunnel to take a leak, and Namjoon stretched his arms.

"Couldn't wait thirty seconds?" Jungkook shouted, dangling his feet over the side of the car and leaning back on his hands.

"Stop trying to look at my cock you pervert!" Yoongi shouted over his shoulder as he quickly tucked himself back in his jeans and zipped his zipper.

Jimin chuckled, reaching across the bed of the truck and snatching a bag of chips out of Tae's hands. "You're such a pig." He joked, taking a bite of the chip before handing the bag back to the younger boy.

Namjoon walked to the back of the truck and rested his arms on the side, looking in at the two younger boys. "Hey Tae. Want to draw a pretty picture?" He asked, lifting his black bag into view.

Tae's eyes widened. "Won't we get in trouble again?" He asked, his lips pouting as he spoke with a full mouth.

Namjoon shook his head and tossed the bag into the younger boys lap. "We've got a getaway car this time."

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