25. Drug of Choice

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(Same night)

Jungkook sat on the couch, a blanket wrapped tightly around his body and a cup of hot chocolate warming his hands. Jimin had left the TV on to keep the younger boy distracted while he took a shower, but it wasn't working. He hadn't even taken a sip of the hot drink, his eyes fixated on the cushion in front of him.

The altercation with Yoongi still weighed heavy on his mind but thankfully Jimin had made him feel somewhat better. Just being near the older boy had brought an ease to his mind. Something about him was just so calming.

"How's your cocoa?" Came the soft voice from behind.

Jungkook looked up, his eyes scanning over Jimin who now wore sweats and a t-shirt as he dried his hair with a towel. He quickly looked down at the mug in his hand, his cheeks burning at the sight of the older boy. "I haven't taken a drink yet." He swallowed thickly, lifting the cup to his lips and taking a sip.

Jimin rounded the couch and sat beside him, lifting the end of the blanket and draping it over his legs. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked, reaching up and brushing a stray hair out of the younger boy's face.

Jungkook licked his lips, tasting the residue of the cocoa and nodding his head. "Thank you."

Jimin smiled at the young boy, noticing how red his face was becoming. "How about you go take a shower, and we can watch a movie together?"

Jungkook nodded again, setting his mug on the coffee table and scurrying off to the bathroom. While he showered, Jimin quickly picked up the living room, folding the blanket and dumping the cocoa before heading to the bedroom and setting up the TV.

The bedroom door squeaked open and Jungkook poked his head inside, scanning the room before finding Jimin. "Do you think Namjoon-Hyung would mind me crashing in his room?" He didn't want to admit that being in this room made him highly uncomfortable due to the last time he was here, with someone other than Jimin.

Jimin raised his eyebrows as he looked up at the younger boy. "Does it bother you to share a bed with me?" He questioned, pouting slightly.

Jungkook shook his head, instantly regretting his choice of words. "It's just, the only time I was in here I," He looked down, scratching the back of his head.

Jimin chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'll be highly offended if you don't snuggle me tonight. In my bed."

Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, looking around the vaguely familiar room, his cheeks blushing once again. His stomach danced with butterflies as he stepped closer to the bed, his hands hiding within the fabric of his sleeves like a child. "What movie are we watching?" He asked, sitting at the end of the mattress and looking towards the TV against the wall.

"Avengers?" Jimin asked, looking up at the TV as he flipped through the options.

Jungkook nodded, climbing further onto the bed and crossing his legs before him. "I love that movie." He praised, waiting for it to start.

Jimin smiled, seeing the happiness finally sprout back to Jungkooks face. He sent a quick text to Jin, thanking him for the movie suggestion then turned off the light and hopped into bed, snuggling below the blankets. He watched in admiration as the younger boy sat excitedly at the end of the bed, his wide eyes gazing up at the screen. Such a baby, Jimin thought as Jungkook looked over his shoulder laughing.

Jimin extended his arms, silently asking the younger boy to come to him. Jungkook obliged, crawling along the bed until he had reached the blonde, sliding his legs below the blanket and curling up to the olders side, his eyes finding the TV once again.

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