32. Money

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Jungkook looked at the white picket house before him, poking his tongue along the inside of his cheeks with a tinge of jealousy. He had just finished his classes for the day and didn't spare a single second before making his way to the nicer side of town. He had a lot of questions needing answers and this was the only option he had at getting them.

After contemplating and working up his courage, he stepped into the small front yard, closing the gate behind him and approaching the bright blue door. He hated how picturesque the home looked, a literal definition of money and happiness.

Before he could knock, the door swung open, revealing a tall blonde woman with round green eyes. She wore an expression that read 'what the fuck' as she peered around the door, her eyebrows scrunhed together. "Can I help you?" She asked, her dialect confirming she was a foreigner.

Jungkook cleared his throat and looked down at his feet, feeling slightly intimidated by the woman's strong demeanor. They had never met face to face, so seeing her now in this situation threw him off his guard. "Is Hyuna home?" He asked, clearing his throat once again.

The American woman narrowed her eyes for a moment before turning and calling over her shoulder. "Babe! Someone is here to see you!"

Biting his lip, Jungkook watched as the woman turned back to face him just as the sound of light footsteps grew louder.

"Who is-- Kook?" A small framed girl with long golden hair suddenly came into view, her eyes wide with confusion. She wore a white and red apron tied tight around her tiny waist and looked as though she had baking flower on her chin.

Jungkook puffed out his cheeks and waved sheepishly, awkwardness casting over his features. "Hey. S-sorry to drop by l-like this out of the blue." He stuttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I could really use some a-advice and didn't know who else to turn to."

"Oh, um," The small girl looked between him and her girlfriend, biting on the tips of her finger, a nervous habit of hers he knew all too well. "Come on in Kook. I'm just finishing up some baking for a work party tomorrow."

Both women stepped back, allowing him to enter their small home. He smiled as the scent of fresh baked goods hit his senses, the familiar smell giving him waves of deja vu. "Are you making your famous brownies?" He asked, stepping out of his shoes and looking around the perfectly styled living room.

Hyuna nodded, smiling up at him. "And strawberry cream cupcakes. Would you like some?" She asked, hurrying through the room and into the kitchen.

Jungkook's eyes wandered to the blonde who sat at a computer desk in the corner of the room, ignoring his presence and facing the front of the house. No wonder she had answered the door so quickly. She had probably been watching him pace outside like an idiot for the last ten minutes.

"I would love one, thank you." He replied, taking a seat on the sofa, his eyes still locked on the American as she appeared to be working on something important.

Hyuna came strolling back into the living room, a plate in her hands that had a cupcake and a brownie. She must have remembered how much he loved her baking considering the large proportions of the yummy chocolate confection. Setting them down on the coffee table, she turned to him and clasped her hands in her lap. "It's been years since we've talked. Why the sudden appearance?" She asked, watching as he leaned forward and picked up the brownie from the plate.

Cradling a napkin under the desert, he took a small bite, moaning the moment the flavor hit his taste buds. After relishing in the delicious taste, he finally exhaled his long awaited question."Was I a bad boyfriend?" He suddenly asked, his eyes locked on the brownie in his hands, unable to look her in the eyes.

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