15. Unless you get caught

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(Same night)

Jungkook couldn't stand to stay in the apartment, fleeing the moment he left the balcony. He had to get home, to be in a safe place to think and process everything.

He had spent the first hour of the party throwing back drink after drink until the anger left his system. By that time, everything felt fine, freeing almost. Neither Jimin or Hoseok had showed up to the party, and in his drunken mindset, they weren't going to. Taehyung had encouraged him to let loose and have fun, but the moment he saw that blonde hair...

Jungkook groaned, pulling at his hair to erase the image. Pictures of the night were slowly invading his mind, dragging him further down the hole he had dug himself into. He felt his eyes sting as tears began to form. How would he ever come back from this. How could he face Jimin after what he did. Jungkook ran his hands over his face as he continued down the sidewalk.

He needed to get home.

He needed to be alone.

Jungkook took a deep breath and looked at the ground as his feet moved beneath him. Jimin didn't deserve how he treated him. He didn't deserve to be victim to Jungkook's jealousy. A new image appeared in his mind, slowing his steps. Jimin's face, hurt and confused as he looked back at the younger boy.

Jungkook felt the urge to cry, but nothing came. He felt empty. Hollow. Nothing.

"Watch it!"

Jungkook stared at the ground, his mind clouded with the images of blonde long hair and Jimin's pained face.

His body suddenly jolted forward, pulling him from the daze he was lost in. He looked around the damp concrete, confused. He turned, seeing two men in leather jackets and hoods facing him.

They seemed angry, one of them pointing a finger as he shouted. "Are you deaf, or just stupid"

Jungkook scrunched his brows. "Pardon?"

The guys stepped closer, one of them grabbing Jungkook's jacket and shoving him once again. "Pardon? Bitch, do we need to teach you a lesson?"

Jungkook's tongue poked at the inside of his cheek, the image of Jimin's face appearing in his mind. The two guys shoved him again, his back hitting the wall of the building behind him.

Jungkook felt his chest lift as a chuckle escaped his lips. "Fuck off." He turned away from them, a new expression planted firmly on his face as he turned down an alley. He knew that would piss them off. Something in his mind clicked. Instead of trying to get home, he now had a different priority.

Jungkook smirked at the ground as the sound of their footsteps followed him down the alley. He turned, his eyes landing on one of the guys just as a fist flew threw the air, connecting with Jungkook's cheek.

The impact shocked him, sending his body into the wall. He licked his lips, turning to look back at the guys and smiling. "That's the best you've got?" He mocked, chuckling as he leaned back, his head resting against the wall.

"You got a death wish kid?" One of the guys asked, stepping closer to Jungkook, his hand gripping around the young boys neck.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes, scowling as he pushed the man's hand from his body. "I just think wimps like you need more practice." He gritted through his teeth. "You hit like a bitch."

That was all it took. The guys both lunged forward, one grabbing Jungkook's jacket, forcing him to the wall while the others fist found his stomach. Jungkook coughed, barely catching his breath before another blow hit his abdomen.

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