42. Forget

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(Later that night)

Although Jin had originally dropped him off at Jungkook's apartment, Tae instead decided there was one last thing he wanted to do before the night officially ended. After changing into fresh clothes and making the short trip on foot through the empty streets, he found himself facing one of the nicer apartment complexes on this side of town.

He entered the lobby and chuckled as he passed by the sleeping security guard before making his way to the elevator. After climbing many floors, he was finally face to face with the one apartment he had never expected he would grow to know so well.

Knowing the occupant was more than likely asleep, he pressed the doorbell instead of knocking, hoping he wouldn't overwhelm them too much. And thankfully, after a few seconds and only two presses of the button, the sound of the deadbolt unlocking brought a smile to his face.

"Tae?" The tenants' sleepy voice rasped as the door opened. "It's so late. Why are you here?"

Taehyung took a moment to admire the half asleep woman's appearance. Her hair was wrapped in a small messy bun that looked like it had been tied up hours ago, the short flyaway hairs gracing her forehead. She wore absolutely no makeup, surprising him with a completely new side of her beautiful face. Her attire was the complete opposite than what he had imagined in his mind so many times. Instead of a short see through silk dress that accentuated her magnificent chest and upper thighs, she wore a matching plaid pajama set that kept her covered from head to toe.

Feeling his smile grow, he stepped over the threshold and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing a gentle kiss to her neck. "I missed you." he hummed, placing an equally soft kiss to her jaw. "Can I stay here tonight?" 

Wren chuckled, wrapping her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair. "Of course you can." She agreed, kissing his cheek. "But fair warning, I'm on my period so don't go getting any ideas."

Nodding, Tae pulled from her arms and shut the door behind him. "Sorry if I woke you up." He spoke softly, latching the deadbolt.

"It's okay." She yawned, stretching her arms up just slightly. "I can't sleep anyways." Her face scrunched up as she ran a hand over her lower abdomen.

Tae's eyes widened as he spun around and looked towards the kitchen. "Do you need some hot tea or medicine?" He asked, quickly moving across the room and opening the cupboards. "I can make a run to the store if you'd like."

Chuckling, Wren leaned against the counter, watching as Tae located the tea bags and began searching for something else. "Tae I'm fine."

"I can go get you chocolate." He exclaimed, straightening his back as he looked across the room with wide eyes. "You like chocolate, right?"

Ignoring his flustered rambling, Wren crossed the room and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Yes I like chocolate. But I already had some earlier today so there is no need to go get more." She rested her cheek against his chest as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "Can you just snuggle me?"

Nodding in response, Tae began walking towards the bedroom, keeping Wren trapped in his arms the entire way. They both giggled as she stumbled a few times, not being able to see where Tae was taking her, but eventually landed on the bed in a fit of laughter.

Before getting comfortable, Tae ran back through the apartment, shutting off the lights before jogging back to the bedroom and climbing out of his constricting clothes.

Wren was already snuggled under the blankets, watching him with happy eyes as he stepped out of his jeans and approached the bed. "You're not going to remove your shirt?" She asked, pouting her lip as he pulled back the covers.

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