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It was his first day of being a third year student and all he think was, everything seems doing same thing— it's like a part of his routine. He still torment the 'golden trio', his posse was still following him, Pansy is always clinging to Draco everytime she had a chance. He was tired of it but he doesn't want to show everyone that he's sick of it because it might ruin the reputation he have.

The platinum blonde boy sat down with his fellow slytherin at the Great Hall. As he was about to grab an apple, he was interrupted by their headmaster, Professor Dumbledore.

"Welcome to Hogwarts everyone! Before we begin this wonderful feast, let us all welcome a new student coming from Beauxbaton," Professor Dumbledore said, while reaching out the hand of the new student. Everyone at the Great Hall gaped by her beauty. She have a face like an angel, Draco thought.

As she stood up, all of the boy's eyes were following her and of course all of the girls envied her. She walked gracefully, she flashed a sweet genuine smile and lastly she spoke like she have the voice of a siren. Before she could go back to her own seat, she was stopped by the headmaster.

"Now (Y/n) Guildford, please sit on this chair therefore we could place this sorting hat on top of your head," The headmaster explained and instructed y/n to sit.

By the looks of the new student, she was terrified on which house will she be placed in. She already knew about the houses but she wasn't very sure which house she wanted.

"Ah! What do we have here? Another Guildford? Finally after many years a Guildford once again stepped into Hogwarts! It's a great pleasure to have you by the way," The sorting hat couldn't contain his excitement as he whisepered the last sentence but everyone at Great Hall heard it and laughed.

The hat opened his mouth again and then added,"You carry each attitude of the four houses but the question is where I should put you?"

Each table chant their house name. Everyone was desperate to have y/n in their house.

"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat screamed with jolly together with the members of the Gryffindor house.

She let out a relieve sigh and went to the table of her new house. She sat there with a raven haired boy, a ginger and also a girl with beautiful brown wavy hair.

"Hi! My name is Harry! This is Ron and Hermione," The raven haired boy pointed out the two people beside him.

"My name is Y/n Guildford and it's nice to meet you!" The beauxbaton girl reached out a hand for them to shake with. The three of them gladly returned the handshake. On the other hand, the slytherin boy was disappointed and angry that the new girl sat beside his enemy, Harry Potter. Draco wanted the new girl to be placed in the same house with him so he could finally get to know y/n.

The four of them ate and asked y/n her experience in Beauxbaton. She talked about her friends, teachers and lastly she also mentioned the games. Harry, Ron and Hermione was impressed by her story, and then they finally noticed that y/n already misses her old school. The golden trio comforted her and telling her that they would do anything to make her days at Hogwarts very special.

After they all finished their foods, they finally went to the Gryffindor common room. The prefect explained everything to y/n and led her to the girl's dormitory.

"Goodnight y/n. Hope you had a nice sleep," The prefect said, and finally stormed off.

She looked around and everything in here is cozy. The fireplace was placed around the corner, there are pictures and books displayed everywhere. Y/n finally placed the trunk underneath her bed, not ready to unpacked everything yet. She lay down on her bed and let the deep slumber takes over.

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