T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Everyone went back to their common room except for her. She told the trio that she need to meet up with her old friend from Beauxbatons. Y/n was almost close to her destination but then she stopped from walking when she saw Draco from the hallway.

He wasn't doing anything at all. He just stood there and oddly looking at the wall. Y/n didn't want to bother Draco at the moment, but her feet has a mind of its own. She stood there, fully facing in front of Draco.

"Er- Mum wanted to give her greetings to you.. So, hey?"

Great way to start a good conversation. Yippie

On the other hand, Draco wanted to avoid her but with her joyful attitude of hers, he couldn't just ignore her. And so, he chuckled and that made y/n blushed in embarrassment.

"Okay, I'm leaving," said y/n, slowly backing away from him.

"Don't leave yet," Draco said and luckily she obeyed.

The two of them stood there in silence. Y/n realized the weird tension building amongst them and so, she decided to break that. "I'm sorry that I said no," Y/n told Draco, which he didn't reply and gave her sad smile. It broke her heart when she saw Draco like that. She thought she was doing the right thing during the chaos in the quidditch game, but unfortunately she was wrong. Very wrong.

Y/n took a deep breath and was ready to explain her reason, "I was scared at that time and wasn't thinking straight. So, I turned down your help,"

It was true, whenever she is scared about something, she would pick dumbest option to do. That is not the best course of action to apply in some situations but for her, it was different. And because of this, she would end up hurting people like Draco for example. When Draco told her to come with her, y/n knew that wanted to go with him but there is also a part of her telling her no, which resulting her in confusion.

"No, it's fine. I think it's actually stupid for me to do tha-" Draco stopped in mid sentence.

"-still, it is my fault," y/n said and then continued, "Plus, I think it's not stupid at all. It's very sweet,"

With those words, Draco's cheeks were colored in pink and y/n saw a glimpse of him, making her chuckle.

"Is Mal- I mean Draco blushing?" teased y/n, making Draco even more blushed. He coughed and straighten his collar and say, "No, I'm not. The temperature in this room is very hot,"

Draco recognized that y/n corrected his name. He thought that the two of them were now longer friends but good thing, it wasn't. Y/n was back now from using his first name and that made Draco jumped up and down with pure happiness. The pair began talking about random things, and they were enjoying each other's company.

"By the way, what do you think about the tournament?" y/n asked curiously, curious to know about his opinion towards the game.

"I bet the candidate for Hogwarts is a slytherin," Draco scoffed and showed off his logo patched on his robes. Y/n rolled her eyes, thinking that he was wrong.

"But what if it isn't?" said y/n, slightly raising her right brow and Draco knew where this conversation is going to end up with.

Draco sighed and gave his very famous smirk, "Is that a bet I hear?"

"Only if you want to," y/n replied, ready to listen about the deal.

"If I win then you'll do everything I want. Vice versa," He explained, grinning to himself. Y/n immediately imagine if she won the bet. She will took this as a chance to prank Draco or even embarrassed him in front of everyone.

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