F I F T Y - S I X

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Days after days, Professor Umbridge decided to "perfect" the performance of the school. She got strict with the students and teachers as well. She patrolled every corner of the school just to see if everything is doing well the way she wanted. It was horrible, really. Even y/n could tell.

She never went out during the day, only she did was stay inside the common room and chat with her fellow gryffindor housemates. Also, after their classes, y/n would also help the others on their assignments.

Sometimes, she and Draco will sneak out and just talked to each other, asking how their day went. This is the only thing y/n considered as a fun thing to do, and she never gets tired of it.

And now, here she is, standing beside the trio and listening to them. This was also her routine, listening to them whilst ranting about that horrible toad. On the other hand, y/n was talking to Ron about the try-outs.

"That foul evil gargoyle! We're not learning to defend ourselves! We're not learning to pass our OWL's! I say, she's taking over the entire school," Hermione fumed, as she paced back and forth.

"And here I am, telling to myself that I hate it back in Beauxbatons," whispered y/n, causing Ron to chuckle.

Hermione didn't listen to her. Instead she continued on.

"I don't know how we're going to pass our OWL's  in Defence against the Dark Arts without any practices! That Umbridge is so-"

"Horrible, scary, ugly, terrifying, and the list goes on," y/n continued it for her. Harry and Ron nodded in agreement. She truly meant what she said even though she haven't experienced the way the trio experienced with Umbridge.

Y/n told them that she wanted to confront Umbridge, but the three of them told her it's not a good idea to do that.

Hermione told them that they need to do something about Umbridge. Y/n suggested to kick her out whilst Ron said that his idea was better than her. Hermione rolled her eyes and what she meant was Umbridge's teaching. As they continued, a tapping sound came from the window. It was Hermes, the owl of Percy.

Y/n already had her instincts and told Ron that the letter was full of Rubbish. At first, he didn't believe her, but after reading the long paragraph from Percy, he ripped them out into tiny pieces and putt them into the fire.

She looked at Ron and Harry, thinking that both of them will fight, but no, Harry still remained and even made a joke about it. Meanwhile, y/n looked at her watch and decided it was time to meet up with Draco once again. No one knows about this, not even Hermione or Ginny. It was kept as their little secret. 

The girl stood up and fixed herself up, and as soon she was finished, Hermione asked her where she'll be going. 

"And where are you off to, Miss?" asked Hermione, acting as if she was her mum.

"Erm, I'm hungry... That's why I'll be going out," answered y/n, hoping Hermione and the two boys will no longer ask her.

"Didn't you just ate the food we brought earlier?" Hermione asked once again.

As the news from the radio from the background grew louder , a sudden 'pst' sound echoed through the common room, causing the four of them to look around. The sound came from the fire, it was Sirius who called them. The fire turned green and the face of Sirius appeared. 

"What are you doing here?" asked Harry, looking at Sirius.

"Got your letter and thought we should talk in person," replied Sirius.

Y/n took this opportunity to escape. She went to the door and opened it, leaving the three and Sirius alone at the common room. 

"Wait, is that y/n?" Sirius asked, as he looked at the door.

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